55Gal Goal Is Planted, Peaceful

Here are the albino cories that I believe may the proud parents of the latest 8 or so fry that I found in the filter.

The powdered fry food keeps getting eaten by the other fish from underneath the net, so I have to put the food on the rails of the net box.

Here's one the pearls enjoying some of the baby food that fell on the net rather than the rail.

The Boss. He is beautiful but I think he would rather not have so many brothers. He is a bit of a bully.
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Uh oh. Just noticed that Mrs. Pepper is looking plump again. I think I see more eggs in my future. Not to sound horrible, but it's a good thing that all the fish like caviar or I'd be overrun with cories!

I just let the 2 larger babies out of the breeder since they are big enough to not get into the filter. I already saw one digging in the sand!
So, judging from the grinding sound my filter is making, I'm going to have to buy a new filter soon. I'm thinking of going back to the Aqueon quiet flow 55/75. It's what I started with before sand wrecked the motor. I currently have a marineland bio wheel. I wanted to try something different since I'm still new at this hobby and I didn't want to only try one thing. I looked into canisters but they have to sit below the tank and I don't have an empty space under my tank. It would have to sit out on the floor, looking ugly. But now that I am likely going to have to get yet another filter, I'm leaning towards the Aqueon again. A tank at work has a fluval and I don't really like it as much. All of the media is stacked on top of each other and it gets so disgusting. I do like that the flow can be adjusted though. Whatever i get, I'm also getting a pre-filter sponge for the intake tube to keep the sand out. The silly cories are kicking it up constantly.
Thank you! I can't get a good picture of him showing the true glory of his trailing fins and lovely colors. That was the best one I could manage. He is apparently camera shy. Every time I hold the camera up to the tank, he tucks up his fins and swims away. I've deleted many pictures of his blurred rear end. Ha ha!
Woke up this morning to my filter making the most horrific noise: SKGRTDKKKKKKNNNNNKKKDDHGT. I tried to ignore it telling myself it will stop any second. GWWWRDDFKKKYTTTVXZZZZTTT
Nope. It was not going to stop. That filter motor was either in pain or really angry and if I didn't unplug it immediately, sounded like it might catch fire or something. So, I have now purchased the third filter for this aquarium. I posted a separate thread about it for advice on what to do about the sand issue. This is getting ridiculous (and expensive)!

On a more cheerful note, so far, all 8 of the newest Cory fry are still alive. They are getting a bit bigger too. At first, all you could see were 2 dots for eyes and 1 that I assume is their stomach. I'll try to put a picture up tomorrow of them. Very cute.
My sand is a problem. I do water changes every week and I have tried all of the ideas that others have posted in my separate post specifically about this problem, but there is no change. I put on a pre-filter sponge which should at least help this filter not get damaged by the sand, but it is not doing anything about the fine particles of sand that are floating around constantly in the water. I am getting really paranoid that the ultra-fine particles are harming the fish. I actually think a substrate change is in order. The sand is the same throughout. You can see in one of the photos (assisted by my lovely goby) that the sand has the same texture even under the surface. I've been giving this a lot of thought and I do not think that the ultra-fine particles will ever come out in an aquarium. I have the same sand in my kids' sandbox outside and even after several years out in the elements, the sand still covers the kids in dust when they play in it. Although others have had good luck with their play-sand, the brand at my store was not good for aquariums. I am going to get aquarium sand and hope that all of the plants don't die in the process of being transplanted.

Here is why I am so freaked out. Two flame tetras and two pearl gouramis have died over the last few months and the other gouramis and several other tetras are looking poorly. I have been testing every other day and the water parameters and water quality are always excellent. Ammonia, Nitrites always 0. Nitrates never even getting to the 5ppm color on the test. The fish that are natural sand dwellers (the cory catfish and the gobies) are totally fine. They are behaving as they always have. The other fish (tetras and gouramis) all look tired. Slow swimming, not coming to the surface at feeding time, hiding, resting on the bottom. I suspect that constantly "breathing" fine sand particles may be harming them. A substrate change may help. I can't stop the sand from getting kicked up. You can kind of see in one of the pictures the cories kicking up some sand. The picture doesn't do it justice though. They are constantly kicking up sand. Some of it sinks back down, but much of it floats around.

I bought aquarium sand for my son's 6.6 gallon triops aquarium and it washed clean in 2 seconds. There was no floating cloud of fine sand particles and mica. What sand got kicked up by the water hose, quickly settled back to the bottom. While the particles are larger than my existing sand, they are still smooth, so should be fine for the cories to sift. Since they are heavier, they shouldn't float around in the water.

If anyone has other ideas about what could be killing my fish, I am open to hearing it. They show no sign of disease other than the symptoms I have already listed (slow swimming, decreased interest in food, hiding, resting on the bottom) - no flashing, no spots, no cottony growths, no worms, no streaks. Actually, wait, a few of the tetras look paler than they used to. The red color is rather faded looking. I know that can be a sign of tetra disease, but the gouramis' coloration looks fine. One of the gouramis did show signs of having been attacked by the others (missing scales, torn bottom fin), but that is injury not disease. Perhaps the aggression is exacerbated by the stress. But the question is, stress from breathing sand or stress from disease? AND if there is disease, are the fish open to it because they are constantly stressed from breathing in all that sand?

Sorry for the long post. I am just really worried about my fish.


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Okay, so maybe I don't have to be so freaked out about the sand. I think the problem might be stress from moving the filter from the left side to the right side. The gouramis really seem to be much more stressed and aggressive with the water flowing on the right side as compared to the left. Something about the layout makes them want to hang out on the right, but when the water flow from the filter was there, the current was too strong for them to stay there. They did NOT like being on the other side for some reason. So, now two things have happened that seem to have made the aquarium a better place: 1. I moved the filter back to where the gouramis prefer it, and 2. the filter sponge has finally slowed the water flow somewhat, creating less current. Less current makes the gouramis happier (which, believe me, makes everyone happier) and it also kicks up less sand.

Oh, AND when I emptied the filter, there were no baby cories this time, so that's a plus also! Speaking of baby cories, both the peppered and the bronze have been trying to make more. Eggs are everywhere. Once I get a second tank all set up, I think I'll try to put all the males in one tank and the females in another.

I do still need to rehome at least one of the gouramis but I don't have anyone who can take one at the moment. A really nice guy at my LFS might be able to take one once he gets his new tank set up. I told hubs that once we get plumbing put into the basement (soon), I WILL be putting in another tank. Once I get that set up, at least one could possibly go in there depending on what else I stock in it. At least for now, things seem to be a bit more peaceful now that they each have their old hiding spots again.
Pictures above are:

1. Two adult bronze corys and one baby (to the right under the lace leaf). I let the 11 baby corys out of the breeder net into the main tank before I left for vacation and they are doing alright so far. I think all of the cory babies are from the bronze cory parents this time.

2. and 3. My beloved blue neon goby (Stiphodon atropurpureus) females. I really, really, love these fish. They are small but they are adorable.

4. Now that The Boss (pearl gourami) has his favorite side of the tank again, he has resumed bubble-nesting. This morning I finally saw him spitting sand into the bubble nest. I had not known about this behavior before so I was confused when I started seeing little sand hills underneath his bubble nest. I looked it up online and read about it but had not actually seen him doing it until today. He blew a few extra bubbles onto his nest and then went to the bottom and picked up some sand in his mouth. He went back to his his bubbles and spit the sand into them. I don't know if any sand stuck in the bubbles. It looked like it all fell straight down. I tried to video it, but as soon as he saw me moving, he hid. When websites say this is a timid fish, they are not kidding. These fish are seriously shy! Beautiful though.
I had Pearl Gouramis till a careless pest controller put an end to that.

Mine were not shy, They would come to the front of the tank to beg for food, I could hand feed them, And they loved to touch my fingers with their feelers, I called it shaking hands.
Great thread.

Becky, if you ever do decide to change substrate, I recommend Estes Ceramaquartz "S" grade. I got the black for my tank, but it comes in a variety of colors. It's fine, but not so fine that it has the dust you are discussing with play sand. I also lost several filters over the years to play sand. In my case, it was my male BN pleco that kicked up the sand during his rearranging fits. The ceramaquartz is available through concrete wholesalers. I called Estes to find the nearest one to me. It was about 30 minutes away. I got a 50 lb bag for under $25. And my cories love it, which was the most important piece for me with sticking with sand.
I had Pearl Gouramis till a careless pest controller put an end to that.

Mine were not shy, They would come to the front of the tank to beg for food, I could hand feed them, And they loved to touch my fingers with their feelers, I called it shaking hands.

Shaking hands! Too adorable!
Mine will come out for food but as soon as they are done, they dash away again. Oh well. I guess it's like agreeing to take care of a feral cat. Maybe it will warm up enough to let you pet it, but it may only ever let you see it at meal times. We (pet owners) have to accept the animal's comfort level and take good care of it regardless. I was hoping to be able to see them more often but I am okay with just being a good home for them. It amazes me that such big fish can hide so well though. Their spots and colors are excellent camouflage.
Thank you! I'll look into that for my next tank. Now that things seem to have settled down a bit, I feel more comfortable waiting to change the substrate until I can let the fish hang out in a second tank so that it will be less traumatic for them.
Nick (and anyone else who's had pearl gouramis), did your pearl gouramis make noise right after the lights went out? My tank is in my bedroom so I can hear them after I turn the room light off (of course the tank lights go off sooner). They click and pop and make water squelching noises. I assume they are sorting out their territories for the evening. At first I thought it was the filter, but it only happens for a few minutes after the lights go out and it has been ongoing despite new filters. Just wondering if anyone else has observed this behavior.

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