55G On A Custom Stand

Xzavier247 said:
Looks great!
Which prefilter is that?
It's a Filter-Max III. I like it because it doesn't reduce flow much, but still keeps things out. That said, it is huge. With the elbow connectors it pokes out about 5" into my tank. On a larger tank this probably isn't an issue, but my 55G is only 13" front to back so this eats the bulk of the space in that corner. I'm going to try to plant around it with plants that won't clog it up, but if that doesn't work I might get rid of it.
Rexenator said:
Looks great!
Which prefilter is that?
It's a Filter-Max III. I like it because it doesn't reduce flow much, but still keeps things out. That said, it is huge. With the elbow connectors it pokes out about 5" into my tank. On a larger tank this probably isn't an issue, but my 55G is only 13" front to back so this eats the bulk of the space in that corner. I'm going to try to plant around it with plants that won't clog it up, but if that doesn't work I might get rid of it.
Thanks, I am looking forward to getting one. Right now I have the Edge prefilter. That thing gets clogged in 2 days. It sucks cleaning it.
So my light showed up today.  I'm glad I bought the dimmer, this thing would is ridiculously bright.  Top pic is set to 10%, bottom pic is 100%.
I ordered some plants earlier this week.  A few amazon swords, dwarf hair grass, dwarf baby tears, java moss and banana plant are just a few.  I'm going to get this all planted on Thursday, so that will be my next update.
Plants arrived today.  All in all I have:
-Java moss attached to driftwood
-1 Anubis barteri attached to driftwood
-A ton of dwarf hairgrass
-2 moss balls
-3 Amazon Swords
-1 Kleiner bar
-1 Banana plant
-A bunch of cabomba purple
-1 Java fern
-1 Compact Amazon Sword
I'll be spending the next couple of hours planting, but hopefully I'll have a finished pic soon!


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Looking good. Thats a nice selections of plants.
Looking forward to seeing the planted tank! 
Well I finished late last night.  Separating the dwarf hair grass and planting it took a lot longer than I thought.  I actually overestimated how much could reasonably fit into a 55 gallon tank, so I ended up with extra plants for my other tanks =)  Here's how it came out:
I am running my light at 50-60% right now, to keep the tank in the middle of the moderate light range until I get my automatic dosing system finished.  Once I've done that, I will likely bump it up to the top end of moderate light until I can afford a full pressurized CO2 system.  Until then I will be dosing according to PPS-PRO and adding Flourish Excel for carbon.
I can tell my loaches like the tank a lot more, as they've been more brave today exploring the new additions.  I can't wait for the amazon sword and cabomba to grow up, I was really hoping to fill the back corners of the tank with them.  The next thing I do will likely be adding a school of cardinal tetra, and then automatic dosing pumps once I get done programming my Raspberry pi and ordering all of the parts I need.  Let me know what you think.  Thanks!
That looks beautiful! Definitely looks like the DHG would take a while, but it looks great. Glad your loaches like it :)
Thought I'd take the time to post so e pictures of the fish I've added. The yoyo loaches are huge now, probably 2.5 inches (when got them the largest one was 1"). They are also much more brave now, and come out quite a bit:


Also, I've added a school of 10 cardinal tetra. The ones I bought are farm raised, and I surprisingly didn't lose any during the acclimation process. Here are some chilling out in my cabomba:


I will be picking up a small pleco and some pearl gourami later this week. I also have some salvinia minima coming to float at the top of the tank. Oh yeah, and all of my electronics are here so I will be setting up my automatic fertilizer dosing pumps later this week. More updates soon.
Very nice. Glad that your fish like it. Looking forward to seeing your new pearl gouramis.
Looks good!
Rexenator said:
I am running my light at 50-60% right now, to keep the tank in the middle of the moderate light range until I get my automatic dosing system finished.  Once I've done that, I will likely bump it up to the top end of moderate light until I can afford a full pressurized CO2 system.  Until then I will be dosing according to PPS-PRO and adding Flourish Excel for carbon.
I would be tempted to keep the lights lower until the pressurised CO2 goes in but will be interested to see how this goes!
Added some fish today, 3 pearl gourami and a spotted orange seam pleco:
I also have my automatic dosing pumps working.  Here's what they look like in the cabinet:
They are working great.  I have the raspberry pi programmed up so I can input how much to dose (in mL), as well as the days I want to dose (which happens to be every day), and what time each day to dose.  You might notice that I have a little bit of algae on the glass.  I've been trying to find a balance between lighting and fertilizer.  No CO2 makes it a little difficult to balance everything.  A couple of weeks ago I noticed some of the plants started to have holes in the leaves, then more plants and then all of the older leaves had holes in them.  I determined that it was due to a potassium deficiency, so I started dosing a little more than what PPS PRO specifies.  Once I did that, I ended up noticing some whitening of the leaves of my plants, which was due to a carbon deficiency.  I haven't bought my pressurized CO2 system yet (most likely will get one next month), so I'm dosing Seachem Excel daily.  I didn't want to increase the dose as I'm already overdosing a little bit, which meant that I had to dim the lights a little (now running them at 40%).  I forgot to lower the fertilizer dosing back down to the PPS PRO standard of 1 mL/10 gallons when I did that, and that's when the algae started to pop up.  I've got it under control now, and hopefully my new pleco can take care of the residual algae for me.  I'll post a picture of the entire tank later this week once every thing has settled in.
Well that looks fancy! Love the pearls..and have not seen a plec like that before. Can't wait to see the FTS :)
Do you have a write up on the dosing equipment? Looks legit.
Took a quick video of my tank today.  Let me know what you think.
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