55 Gallon


New Member
Jan 4, 2007
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Hi everyone,my name is KJ,I was a silent member of this forum for awhile so I could read up on everything and learn as much as possible.I have decided to start a 55 gallon reef tank,I have been doing research for the past few months on how I need to do this with what equipment that I have.I need some advice on what I have to work with,which is my lights is T-5 324 watts,2x150 watts Jager heater,Coralife super skimer 65 gallons,2x1200 maxi jet,RO/DI 6 stage unit 100 gallons a day,Eheim 2224 canister filter,filled with activated carbon and phos guard,I also have a liquid test kit for PH - AMMONIA - NITRITE - NITRATE - CALCIUM - PHOSPHATE - ALKALINITY,I am going to use reef crytal salt,I also have a hydrometer and plan to upgrade to refractometer.I can not purchase anything else right now because I am in between jobs :( Later I plan to buy 45 lb of Fiji premium live rock and 25 lb Tonga Branch live rock and 40lb Aragonite sand .This stuff is very addictive :hyper: When I get back on track(my job)I will post some photos and fill you in on my progress.I would appreciate ANY advice or constuctive criticism is welcome.Let me know what you think,guys!I hope I posted this right,I am still learning! :unsure: KJ
:hi: to the salty side of life :D. Honestly, it sounds like you've been reading up a lot, cause what you listed would do really well for a marine tank. My only constructive ideas is that a 324watt T5HO system (which is a 6x54watt setup) will be more than enough light for pretty much any coral you want in a 55g. No need to slap on a 2x150 halide as well unless you have money for lots of electrical bills :D. Also, I'd go with 2xSeio M620 or 2xTunze Nanostream for flowrate, 2 maxijets won't be enough on a big tank like that. And finally, use rowaphos or phosban over phosguard for phosphate removal. Otherwise you're off to a great start :)

What kind of stocking did your scheming brain come up with? :shifty: :good:
:hi: to the salty side of life :D. Honestly, it sounds like you've been reading up a lot, cause what you listed would do really well for a marine tank. My only constructive ideas is that a 324watt T5HO system (which is a 6x54watt setup) will be more than enough light for pretty much any coral you want in a 55g. No need to slap on a 2x150 halide as well unless you have money for lots of electrical bills :D. Also, I'd go with 2xSeio M620 or 2xTunze Nanostream for flowrate, 2 maxijets won't be enough on a big tank like that. And finally, use rowaphos or phosban over phosguard for phosphate removal. Otherwise you're off to a great start :)

What kind of stocking did your scheming brain come up with? :shifty: :good:
Hi Ski,my scheming brain :fun: has come up with the following stock

Fish,1xPurple Firefish,1xOcellaris Clownfish Tank Breed,1xFlasher Wrasse, :hyper: 1xRoyal Gramma,1xYellow Watchman Goby
,1xGreen Mandarin

Coral Candy Cane,Brain Coral(TRACHYPHILLIA)or(LOBOPHYLLIA) Zoanthus different colors,Dwarf Colored Feather Duster,Anemone.

Shrimp 1x Scarlet Skunk Cleaner,4x Sexy Anemone ,1x Pistol Shrimp

Tank Cleaners ,10x Scarlet Hermit Crabs 12x Cerith Snail,6x Super Tongan Nassarius 8x Trochus Snail. :D
:hi: to the salty side of life :D. Honestly, it sounds like you've been reading up a lot, cause what you listed would do really well for a marine tank. My only constructive ideas is that a 324watt T5HO system (which is a 6x54watt setup) will be more than enough light for pretty much any coral you want in a 55g. No need to slap on a 2x150 halide as well unless you have money for lots of electrical bills :D. Also, I'd go with 2xSeio M620 or 2xTunze Nanostream for flowrate, 2 maxijets won't be enough on a big tank like that. And finally, use rowaphos or phosban over phosguard for phosphate removal. Otherwise you're off to a great start :)

What kind of stocking did your scheming brain come up with? :shifty: :good:
Hi Ski,my scheming brain :fun: has come up with the following stock

Fish,1xPurple Firefish,1xOcellaris Clownfish Tank Breed,1xFlasher Wrasse, :hyper: 1xRoyal Gramma,1xYellow Watchman Goby
,1xGreen Mandarin

Coral Candy Cane,Brain Coral(TRACHYPHILLIA)or(LOBOPHYLLIA) Zoanthus different colors,Dwarf Colored Feather Duster,Anemone.

Shrimp 1x Scarlet Skunk Cleaner,4x Sexy Anemone ,1x Pistol Shrimp

Tank Cleaners ,10x Scarlet Hermit Crabs 12x Cerith Snail,6x Super Tongan Nassarius 8x Trochus Snail. :D

Just so you know I also have a 55gal reef....

The firefish, clownfish and royal gramma will be perfect. The watchman goby will quite possible eat your smaller shrimps so I'd be careful putting it in with Sexy's or they may be dinner. The flasher wrasse should be fine also but be aware it needs feeding 3 times a day...The mandarin however is a no-no. They require mature tanks as they feed on copepods whicj your new tank won't have enough of for a good year.

The CUC sounds good but personally I'd cut down the numbers a fair bit, at least to start. I'd add a couple at a time and build it up over a year or so or you may well end up with them all starving to death.

As for your corals...the candy canes will need feeding. They will eat brine shrimp, krill and diced fish and you'll have to turn your powerheads off while it feeds. Also they don't like too much light so be careful where you put it.
An open brain coral will need to go on the sand bed and will also need the same feeding as the candy cane. However it will eat smaller fish if it get the chance. Also they do not tolerate hermits.
Zoanthids are a good choice. Some like target feeding.
All feather dusters need large additions of phytoplankton or they will shed thier crown and eventually die. If you provide them enough food they are beautiful and pretty hardy.
I honestly wouldn't even think about keeping any kind of anemone for at least 12 months. They need extremely stable water parameters and are aggresive towards any corals the come across.

Good luck :good:
:hi: to the salty side of life :D. Honestly, it sounds like you've been reading up a lot, cause what you listed would do really well for a marine tank. My only constructive ideas is that a 324watt T5HO system (which is a 6x54watt setup) will be more than enough light for pretty much any coral you want in a 55g. No need to slap on a 2x150 halide as well unless you have money for lots of electrical bills :D. Also, I'd go with 2xSeio M620 or 2xTunze Nanostream for flowrate, 2 maxijets won't be enough on a big tank like that. And finally, use rowaphos or phosban over phosguard for phosphate removal. Otherwise you're off to a great start :)

What kind of stocking did your scheming brain come up with? :shifty: :good:
Hi Ski,my scheming brain :fun: has come up with the following stock

Fish,1xPurple Firefish,1xOcellaris Clownfish Tank Breed,1xFlasher Wrasse, :hyper: 1xRoyal Gramma,1xYellow Watchman Goby
,1xGreen Mandarin

Coral Candy Cane,Brain Coral(TRACHYPHILLIA)or(LOBOPHYLLIA) Zoanthus different colors,Dwarf Colored Feather Duster,Anemone.

Shrimp 1x Scarlet Skunk Cleaner,4x Sexy Anemone ,1x Pistol Shrimp

Tank Cleaners ,10x Scarlet Hermit Crabs 12x Cerith Snail,6x Super Tongan Nassarius 8x Trochus Snail. :D

Just so you know I also have a 55gal reef....

The firefish, clownfish and royal gramma will be perfect. The watchman goby will quite possible eat your smaller shrimps so I'd be careful putting it in with Sexy's or they may be dinner. The flasher wrasse should be fine also but be aware it needs feeding 3 times a day...The mandarin however is a no-no. They require mature tanks as they feed on copepods whicj your new tank won't have enough of for a good year.

The CUC sounds good but personally I'd cut down the numbers a fair bit, at least to start. I'd add a couple at a time and build it up over a year or so or you may well end up with them all starving to death.

As for your corals...the candy canes will need feeding. They will eat brine shrimp, krill and diced fish and you'll have to turn your powerheads off while it feeds. Also they don't like too much light so be careful where you put it.
An open brain coral will need to go on the sand bed and will also need the same feeding as the candy cane. However it will eat smaller fish if it get the chance. Also they do not tolerate hermits.
Zoanthids are a good choice. Some like target feeding.
All feather dusters need large additions of phytoplankton or they will shed thier crown and eventually die. If you provide them enough food they are beautiful and pretty hardy.
I honestly wouldn't even think about keeping any kind of anemone for at least 12 months. They need extremely stable water parameters and are aggresive towards any corals the come across.

Good luck :good:
Any good ideas for corals? THANKS KJ
The corals you have listed should be ok as long as you understand their requirements and are willing to target feed.

As far as "starter" corals...I'd advise :

Xenia spp. These give some movement to your tank and will often "pulse"
Zoanthids are good.
Mushroom polyps such as Actinodiscus spp. Discosoma sp. and Rhodactis sp. are all pretty much bomb-proof BUT I'd advise you not to buy an Elephants Ear (Amplexidiscus fenestrafer) as these are capable of eating small fish.
In my experience Euphyllia are pretty easy going as long as they get some meaty foods. Mine catches all it needs when I feed my fish. They are also very beautiful and look a bit more exotic.
Leather corals like Sarcophyton spp. are also pretty good for beginners IMO
You could also try Star polyps (Pachyclavularia spp.)

Hope this helps :good:
The corals you have listed should be ok as long as you understand their requirements and are willing to target feed.

As far as "starter" corals...I'd advise :

Xenia spp. These give some movement to your tank and will often "pulse"
Zoanthids are good.
Mushroom polyps such as Actinodiscus spp. Discosoma sp. and Rhodactis sp. are all pretty much bomb-proof BUT I'd advise you not to buy an Elephants Ear (Amplexidiscus fenestrafer) as these are capable of eating small fish.
In my experience Euphyllia are pretty easy going as long as they get some meaty foods. Mine catches all it needs when I feed my fish. They are also very beautiful and look a bit more exotic.
Leather corals like Sarcophyton spp. are also pretty good for beginners IMO
You could also try Star polyps (Pachyclavularia spp.)

Hope this helps :good:
Thats what we're here for :D

BTW you might want some second opinions. I may have missed something ;)
Thats what we're here for :D

BTW you might want some second opinions. I may have missed something ;)
What kind of fish do you recommand,besides the CLOWN ROYAL GRAMMA AND FIREFISH. that swims in good view with pretty coloraction,not agressive and that is easy care.THANKS KJ :shout:
Yellow Assessor Assessor flavissimus
Orangestriped Cardinalfish Apogon cyanosoma
Flamefish Apogon maculatus
Pajama Cardinalfish Sphaeramia nematoptera
Yellowtail Blue Damselfish Chrysiptera parasema
Fourline Wrasse Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia

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