55 Gallon


Fish Addict
Oct 26, 2004
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What do you suggest?
The more exotic and the happier the fish the better.
Also i like big plecs and a mixed sizes of fish.

angels, rams and discus

all happy active fish differnt sizes
and shapes and colors :D
I don't know about putting angels and discus together.

What about firemouths?
How Many And With What?
A planted mixed rainbow fish tank looks stunning, as would a discus tank or an Angel tank but i wouldn't mix those 2 either.
gt??? if thats a green terror i think it would be un fair for one fish

rainbows are nice

what about cichlids

mabey firemouths or sometin

i dont know

i was just throuin out ideasas centerpeices. and ya dont

mix discus or angels as angels caring a disease called hole in

the head that dont efect them but do effect discus.

What is a GT????
if it is a green terror then i cant keep anything with it right?

Any other ideas?
How about a mixture of dwarf cichlids (keyholes, rams, etc), nice tetras or rainbows, and some corys?
Hmm.. How about a pair of Keyhole cichlids, about 6 corys (of your choice, of course) and a school of 6 tetras (your choice). You could also put an oddball, such as a butterfly fish in as well. :)
How about Angels or Convicts, but not both :D, If I were you I would go with angels, 4 of them or 3 (small ones). They will grow but you must think of accidental deaths and what not. And definately cories :D
I love firemouths and a group of five would fill out the mid water of your tank nicely. For bottom fish I would suggest a mixture of BN plecs, syno(s) maybe decorus or eupterus,and/or corys.

I have also kept severums and firemouths together successfully. They look great together and have very different behavior, but I don't think it is really doable in a 55 gallon.


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