55 Gallon Hodgepodge!


New Member
Apr 2, 2013
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So I thought I'd create a thread to help document my tank's progress, and get some feedback along the way.

6 White Tip Tetras
1 BN Pleco
2 Angel Fish
3 Swordtails
3 Siamese Algae Eaters

Amazon Sword
Java Moss
Tiger Lotus Bulb
Moss Ball

Satellite+, Eheim 2217, and DIY CO2

I know the tank is a work in progress, and seems a little unorganized, but I don't mind. The rock in the center is being used to hold down the driftwood, but the driftwood is pretty resilient. I'm hoping to attach some zip ties to it to get rid of the rock.

So I need some suggestions for plants. I'm looking to get some cabomba and also a type of Anubias that will spread along the long piece of driftwood. But not sure on others?

Any other suggestions that would work for my tank would be greatly appreciated!





You should get a couple more angel fish. They are great schooling fish and it would make a really nice centerpiece :)
Dmbandstef said:
You should get a couple more angel fish. They are great schooling fish and it would make a really nice centerpiece
angelfish are not schooling fish, they are territorial and when paired up (in tank that size) will kill all the other angelfish.
the white tip tetras are nippy so what they don't go after the fins of other fish.
for the plants i think you should put vals all along the back. and have a straight black background. then add in more swords like the ruffle sword and if you ever see a crinum grab it :p have you seen the red lotus ? looks nice for a background plant. and maybe some ground cover like dwarf grass. and crypts around the wood.
They should only be kept in pairs in smaller tanks, or in groups of 5 or more in larger tanks. Doesn't matter anymore anyway because of the nippy fish that you already have.
Perhaps anubias nana to attach to the wood? :)
I cannot provide any feedback until your profile picture is taken down and burned...Go FLYERS!!!.....sorry couldn't resist.
Jbram said:
I cannot provide any feedback until your profile picture is taken down and burned...Go FLYERS!!!.....sorry couldn't resist.
Haha! It's all good!

Ninjouzata said:
Perhaps anubias nana to attach to the wood? :)
THATS the one I was thinking of! Is that the one that slowly spreads?

Dmbandstef said:
They should only be kept in pairs in smaller tanks, or in groups of 5 or more in larger tanks. Doesn't matter anymore anyway because of the nippy fish that you already have.
Hmm, I've only seen the tetras try and nip each other. The tetras seem to be just fine with the Angels, I haven't seen any nipping towards them and they've been together for about 8 months or so.

BerryAttack said:
You should get a couple more angel fish. They are great schooling fish and it would make a really nice centerpiece :)
angelfish are not schooling fish, they are territorial and when paired up (in tank that size) will kill all the other angelfish.the white tip tetras are nippy so what they don't go after the fins of other fish.
for the plants i think you should put vals all along the back. and have a straight black background. then add in more swords like the ruffle sword and if you ever see a crinum grab it :p have you seen the red lotus ? looks nice for a background plant. and maybe some ground cover like dwarf grass. and crypts around the wood.
I eventually did put a black background up, it's in the last 2 pics. For some reason I was thinking dwarf grass wouldn't grow with my moderate/low light, but I was mixing that up with dwarf baby tears. I'll have to keep my eyes open for those swords! I have a few vals, I was actually thinking about getting rid of them due to small amounts of BBA but those SAE really keep them in check. The vals seem to be growing pretty slow for me.

Thanks for the feedback! This board seems much more friendly than others I've posted at.
I believe so? It is a hardy low light plant so doesn't grow super fast. :)

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