55 Gallon Cichlid Tank?

Choclates get big. 12" and are really bulky. I would not keep them in a 55 gal. But the other would be cool.
In which case no chocolate, thanks for the info snowflake :D

Jurupari need to be in groups, they dont do well on their own, so again, the tank couldnt really take a group of jurupari, unless you were considering adding no other cichlids.
I think you should go for the Green Terror with some nice dithers like Rainbow fish.
which one in a 55gallon tank?

This is my two idea that i had.
1 theadfin acara
1 t-bar cichlid
1 rotkeil sev
1 Satanoperca leucostictus

1 firemouth
1 green terror
1 nic cichlid
1 sajica

1 Satanoperca leucostictus
1 geophagus altifrons
1 rotkeil sev
1 chocolate cichlid
I would consider the sev, chocolate, and green terror to be out of the question for that size tank. Nic (female), Sajica, Firemouth are all ok. Maybe you could add in the altifrons, but the leucostictus might be pushing the sizes a little...
which one in a 55gallon tank?

This is my two idea that i had.
1 theadfin acara
1 t-bar cichlid
1 rotkeil sev
1 Satanoperca leucostictus

1 firemouth
1 green terror
1 nic cichlid
1 sajica

1 Satanoperca leucostictus
1 geophagus altifrons
1 rotkeil sev
1 chocolate cichlid
I would consider the sev, chocolate, and green terror to be out of the question for that size tank. Nic (female), Sajica, Firemouth are all ok. Maybe you could add in the altifrons, but the leucostictus might be pushing the sizes a little...

I keep alot of ca\sa cichlids and I usually give it a try and see how it goes. As soon as I figure out which fish are being picked on, I remove them and transfer them to a different tank or return them to the LFS for credit. You would be surprised which fish will tolerate each other. It all depends on the individual fish.
In a 55 gallon tank you are pretty limited though. By the time you decorate the tank with "sightbreaks" and caves you lose quite a bit of volume. Its not that they cant live in that small of a tank..........It just becomes alot of work to keep the water clean.

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