55 Gallon Angelfish Tank?

a 55 gallon tank with some angels in it :rolleyes:
har har har

4 angels, a shoal of congo tetra's, a nice smallish but pretty plec and a group of cories :good:
har har har

4 angels, a shoal of congo tetra's, a nice smallish but pretty plec and a group of cories :good:
what do you class as a shoal of tetras for a tank that size? 10ish and a group of cories? 4-6.

Sounds a nice list, but quite a few fish for what is basically an Angel tank. Would they not likely just be talking a small to medium plec and a small shoal or couple of similar in size to the angels.
har har har

4 angels, a shoal of congo tetra's, a nice smallish but pretty plec and a group of cories :good:
what do you class as a shoal of tetras for a tank that size? 10ish and a group of cories? 4-6.

Sounds a nice list, but quite a few fish for what is basically an Angel tank. Would they not likely just be talking a small to medium plec and a small shoal or couple of similar in size to the angels.

nah 6-8 of each the cories and congo's.

it might be too much of things other than angels but the OP isn't all that specific, if I had a 55g tank to build around angelfish that's what I'd do!

I'd only get nice silver banded angels too
they can work with angels, nice low ph to suit both of them :good:
How many angels were you thinking?
I was thinking 3, maybe 4 at the most. I dont want to breed them or anything, in fact I would rather not have a breeding pair in the group, but thats pretty much unavoidable if it happens right?
I was thinking 3, maybe 4 at the most. I dont want to breed them or anything, in fact I would rather not have a breeding pair in the group, but thats pretty much unavoidable if it happens right?

I think three may be problem if two become a breeding pair, obviously it's bye bye loner

most people recommend five, I'm not sure why five, but they do
Yeah dont get 3, i had 4 originally and everything was hunky dory but the oldest (my first fish ever) died and then there was 3 boy did the one get bullied all the time, which was annoying because he was my favourite one

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