55 gal


Fish Crazy
Mar 26, 2004
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Right now I have a 55 gal with 3 x-large comets and a black moor in it. When the summer comes I am considering putting my comets in a pond in the backyard. I don't really want to but my tank just never stays clean no matter what I do.

Any way, I was thinking for restocking with smaller fish PLatties etc. I was wonder If my black moor can stay in the tank with smaller fish such as platies, guppies neons or whatever anyone can reccomend. He dosen't seem to mind a slightly higher temp. (right now the tank is approx 22 C)

I have the tank in my bedroom and I reall want color and something that is realitively easy to clean. You know the just the regular weekly or Bi-weekly water changes. Right now I can only get 3-4 days out of a water change before the water is extremely cloudy again. I have tried everything to keep the water clean but nothing works. Hopefully putting my comets in a pond will help.

I am open to any suggestions on what to restock with or even if you have any other solutions for my cloudy water problems.

Thanks a bunch
you can put the moore in the pond also , my uncle had a pond stocked with moores and they lasted through the winters.....very hardy pond fish....but I have had friends that had them do fine with tropicals, but I dont care to mix goldfish family and tropicals.
I feed once a day (usually in morning) with floating pellets. They have them eaten in less than five mins.

Edit: sorry this is my sister's account
ok it doesnt sound like overfeeding is the problem. what sort of filter do you have? the problem with coldwater fish is that they produce a lot more waste than tropical, so the filter has to be larger to be able to clear it.
Its the large filter that is reccomended by the LFS

*still on my sisters computer*
Is the pond going to be for year round? Just asking cause I wonder what you will do in the fall when you have to bring them back in.

Although the your BM may be ok in warmer temps, I would not keep it in warm temps. They are cold water species. Maybe in short term, they will do fine, but you never know what will happen to them in the long run.
my pond would not be for year round however my uncle has a pond I could winter them in.

And my black moor seems more content and active in warmer water (not too warm 23 - 24 c) He has sentimential value to me.

I love my comets but didn't know the trouble they caused and how dirty they were when I bought them. I got them at wal-mart 4-5 years ago and the lady working there never told me anything about them. I bought a 2 gallon tank and 2 comets ( on sale for 3 cents a piece), within 4 months I had to get a bigger tank (10 gal) and I bought the other comet and got the black moor for a gift a few weeks ago I had to buy a 55 gal tank to house my big fish.

I really need to do something because my tank looks gross because it is so dirty. I am going to have to claen it again today and it was just cleaned a week ago.
I would suggest putting the comets in your uncle's pond year round and getting a ten gallon for the black moor. Cold water fish like your comets and moor don't do well in warmer water. It might seem like they are ok but its a little hard to tell how they are doing since they are fish. Warm water has less oxygen in it so the moor would have a hard time breathing. Also the metabolism of the moor would be sped up because it is a cold blooded animal and that would lessen the life span of the fish. Any tropical fish kept with a goldfish must endure worse water conditions (as you mentioned they tend to mess up tanks). I think getting a separate tank would be the best solution. You could make the black moor happy and healthy.
will my black moor be OK in a 5 gal tank. The 5 gal tanks are fairly cheap at my local wal-mart so it wouldn't break my budget and he would still be with me and my comets would be happy in a nice outdoor pond ???? :clap: :cool:
I would say for you to not put the moor in the pond. Fancy goldfish are not suitable for ponds.

IMO/IME fancies do well in warmer water and many strictly goldfish keepers keep them in slightly warmer tempatures. This is not true for commons and comets.

So, if you went with the lower end of tropical IMO you will be fine, my goldfish are at 73F naturally without a heater.

Just my opinion though.
Where I am to tanks are expensive compared to some of the prices I have heard discussed on this board. A 5 gal with filter and accessories will run me about $25 to $35 and that's if I'm lucky. A 10 gal (which I just got sold of one, Stupid me) would run me about $65 to $80 and I just can't afford that right now.

However any changes I make to my tank (ex moving comets outside, move moor to other tank) will wait until at least may because that'e how long it will be before there is no more chance of snow in my area.
How big should I expect my black moor to grow?????????? My LFS sucks they sais they have never heard or one lasting as long as mine has ( 4 years) and they had absoultly no info on how big they grow . I will not buy my fish here anymore if they don't know what they are doing!!!!!!!!!! I'll find a new store with knowable staff.

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