55 Gal. Jd/convict Tank Advice Please!


New Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Hey guys, i'm new here and relatively new to keeping an aggressive tank. I've had various goldfish, bettas, and smaller catfish in the past and as the years passed, i've finally decided that i want something more exciting to watch. In the research ive done so far, i have become absolutely fascinated by convicts and their behavior. Originally, my 55 gallon tank had a Jack Dempsey (currently about 1.3-1.5 inches), a rainbow shark (roughly 2 inches), and an african featherfin catfish (1.75ish inches). 2 weeks later, my gf went to pick up some fish food after work and came home with a female convict that she adopted from petsmart and i figured it was ok. free and not too much bigger than any of my fish (2.75 inches). This is where i found my fascination of these fish. My gf's dad has a 30 gal tank with an Oscar, albino cory and until a couple days ago, a Male convict(pretty sure). We decided we want to give a shot at them breeding to view their amazing behavior. i have another 55 gal tank to swap the JD rainbow and catfish if they get too aggressive. My question is about these convicts behavior. When i introduced the male, the female tried following him everywhere. Now, whenever the male sees her, he flies around the tank chasing her. Could anyone explain what might be happening between them OR if you have any advice about my other fish, id greatly appreciate it!!!

Thanks in advance to everyone!

P.s. I've heard that nocturnal predators can get rid of the eggs so there wont be sooo many babies. Is this true? what kinds of fish could work?
Hello and welcome to the forum...... This behaviour is natural and must also be closely monitored...... The male will keep chasing the female (sometimes for days on end), until one of two things may happen..... she may stand up to him at some point in time and start challenging him as well, (which will be a good sign) and indicate that they are compattable and there is a good chance of breeding.... or alternatively..... she may give up completely, in which case he is going to kill her.....

So keep watching and when you notice that she is too submissive..... give the male back to your GF's dad and try get a smaller male to introduce her to.

They are easy to breed, but I doubt if they will raise any fry in the community you have..... The (eggs) and subsequent fry will be well protected up to the point where they become free- swimming, when they will give up on them..... or even devour the babies themselves from being nervous.... it'll be best to get a 2nd tank to syphon out the fry when they are still wrigglers and transfer them to a rearing tank.... you will rear a lot more in this way, and the parents will re-breed again much sooner if the fry is taken away from them....
Thanks for the info. Ill make sure to keep an eye on them and take my next step from there..
ive got a lot of plants and 5 cave areas. That should be enough?
Just to add - The convicts will brutally murder any intruders in their territory when their breeding.
My pair go out of their way to kill things, also do you have a plan for the fry?
i have a 10 gallon tank i would of used for the fry and my buddies dad would have taken them all off my hands. the only problem is that i think the male is the same length as the female but a lot thicker and taller. i think his growth was stunted in his old tank before i took him, he was with a 9" oscar and 3" cory in a 30 g tank. both convicts are about 2 1/2-3 inches. could the size of the male be the problem??
Nope he will still be able to breed.
Thanks keeper youve been a huge help to me so far. Im wondering if a salvini would be ok with my 1 con and 1 jd if i upgrade my tank size? I heard they are very aggressive but they lOok so beautiful
Glad to help!
I've been looking to add a salvini to my list aswell, I just love their color, I was told they can be real nasty.
A dempsey and a convict can certainly hold their own, its trial and error with cichlids, you could add a young one and see how it goes, if all is well then you can just keep an eye out, if things start to go pear shaped then be prepared to remove it.
Good luck!

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