55 Gal Discus


New Member
Jan 14, 2008
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Ive been researching discus for several months now but everybody says something different! :unsure:

For Discus:

Some people say you need to change 50% of the water at least weekly.
Some people say you need to change 10% of the water weekly.
Some people say you need to have a max stocking level is 5 Discus for a 55 gal
Some people say you need to have a max stocking level is 6 Discus, a pleco and 20 tetras for a 55 gal.
ext. But their all right because of all the variables. Water Changes,Filtration ext.

What im trying to find out is how i can as easily and as conferrable (for me and the Fish) to have 55 gal with 5-6 discus and 10 tetras.
1: I only want to do 25 % weekly changes.
2: I would prefer 5-6 discus and 10 Cardinals but id go to just 5 discus if i need to
3: Real or fake: I prefer live but i dont want jack with a Co2 system to heavily plant to battle algae. Fake is good if it prevents algae altogether, do discus like fake?
4: Id go for a emperor 400 if thats ok if not i can get a canister. I dont want wet/dry.

Im 13 yrs old Help me thanks
Ive been researching discus for several months now but everybody says something different! :unsure:

For Discus:

Some people say you need to change 50% of the water at least weekly.
Some people say you need to change 10% of the water weekly.
Some people say you need to have a max stocking level is 5 Discus for a 55 gal
Some people say you need to have a max stocking level is 6 Discus, a pleco and 20 tetras for a 55 gal.
ext. But their all right because of all the variables. Water Changes,Filtration ext.

What im trying to find out is how i can as easily and as conferrable (for me and the Fish) to have 55 gal with 5-6 discus and 10 tetras.
1: I only want to do 25 % weekly changes.
2: I would prefer 5-6 discus and 10 Cardinals but id go to just 5 discus if i need to
3: Real or fake: I prefer live but i dont want jack with a Co2 system to heavily plant to battle algae. Fake is good if it prevents algae altogether, do discus like fake?
4: Id go for a emperor 400 if thats ok if not i can get a canister. I dont want wet/dry.

Im 13 yrs old Help me thanks

25% would be fine
what is dimensions of tank??
live plants are best you dont need co2, i dont use it and all my tanks have lots of plants.
The more water changes the better for your fish. fish won't know the difference between real or fake plants but they will certainly feel it. Plants oxygenate and filter the water. Go with real plants. And don't be lazy on water changes.
Discus are a huge investment, and therefore it's better to be safe than sorry.

Adult Discus can go with fewer water changes than young or juvi discus, but for most people purchasing adult discus is far too expensive...and still require good water quality for optimum health. Original tap water quality, the type and amounts of food being given, and other types of fish you keep them with can all be factors in how often water changes may need to be performed.

Live plants do provide certain benefits that fake ones don't...like helping to remove nitrates from the water, but live plants do require more expensive lighting and other care. Don't rush your planning...weigh the pros and cons of each before coming to a final decision.

I too am just about to set up a discus bio tank. I have also been researching for a few months now with very good advice from some members of this forum, I hope that they answer you too.

I have a 55 gallon tank also and will now go with 5 discus, a group of dwalf corys,and some cardinals, maybe a few ottos too. I'll use sand and live plants, with an external eheim filter. I propose to do 2-3 water changes per week, more when they are young. I will also invest in a ro unit.

I hope this helps you out. Good luck :good:
Ive been researching discus for several months now but everybody says something different! :unsure:

For Discus:

Some people say you need to change 50% of the water at least weekly.
Some people say you need to change 10% of the water weekly.
Some people say you need to have a max stocking level is 5 Discus for a 55 gal
Some people say you need to have a max stocking level is 6 Discus, a pleco and 20 tetras for a 55 gal.
ext. But their all right because of all the variables. Water Changes,Filtration ext.

What im trying to find out is how i can as easily and as conferrable (for me and the Fish) to have 55 gal with 5-6 discus and 10 tetras.
1: I only want to do 25 % weekly changes.
2: I would prefer 5-6 discus and 10 Cardinals but id go to just 5 discus if i need to
3: Real or fake: I prefer live but i dont want jack with a Co2 system to heavily plant to battle algae. Fake is good if it prevents algae altogether, do discus like fake?
4: Id go for a emperor 400 if thats ok if not i can get a canister. I dont want wet/dry.

Im 13 yrs old Help me thanks

Well the reccomended space for each discus is 10 gallons per fish so many 55gal owners put 5 discus in there with the extra 5 gal for a few tetras etc.. but i have always found that if i had an even number of discus (ie 6) there would be consistant squabble's and one would always get bullied but when i had an odd number they would always be fine.

W/c are very important for younger discus they need freshwater probably twice a week but can have once a week. with a good filter. I do 20% twice a week on my adult pair, but for young ones around 40% throughout the week would be fine.

i think 5 discus and 10 cardinal's sounds good, like i said i found with an even number there would always be squables, besides if you had 6 discus id drop the cardinal's but thats your choice.

Real/fake plants? Definatly real, i have easy real plants like amazon swords that thrive in my tank and dont have CO2 or any special fertz. When using fake plants some are quite sharp and discus often like to go through the plants and hide in them where as if they did this with fake they could get cut or injured.

Finally, filters are important you need to basically have a filter than can filter twice your tank volume. Either HOB cannister Sump internal imo doesnt really make a difference.

i hope i have helped you and im only 14, so glad i can help someone younger.

If you need anymore help or have any more questions just ask :)
to look like a retard, you would have gone on to do it without asking the advice you have

i happen to think your one clever kid! :):):)
I do 20% weeklys on my discus, and don't have any problems :good: The most important thing IMO is to get a very good and reliable filter on your tank. Externals IMO are the way to go here, but being top end gear are quite expencive. I'd aim for 4+ times an hour trun over through the filters, with two seporate canisters ideal to give a redundant system should one fail, the other can take to load. Discus are expencive, and with five at adult lenght, you could easily get £500 for good fish assuming none pair. Thats a lot of moneys woth of fish to loose due to a filter failure, before accounting for the attachment you will have with these stunning and individual creatures. I'ts hard when you loose just one :sad: They are increadibly rewarding to keep mind :good:

Research like crazy untill you can answer any discus question, then bin the research and forget it :p After that, capy the set-up of your supplier. This should work fine, but if it doesn't tweal the system according to the gut feeling you should get from your research :good: I will stress though that you shouldn't tweak your system once you have found one that works.

Also, stay away from beef heart. Though the fish love it, it isn't good for their long-term health, as it contains the wrong type of protien that will caurse fatty liver disease. Try to feed high-protien pellet feed untill full grown, then get them onto a high carbohydrate diet instead. Once they have finished growing, they won't need the protien that you are shoving down their throats, and this will again caurse fatty liver disease. My fish are picky and turn their nose up at any dried feeds, so be prepaired for this as they are very fussy eaters :good:


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