50 gallon tank

You just asked about a 30g. Is this another tank you are starting up, or was it just a typo?

Incase it's another tank and you have the 2 tanks, we'll need to know what cichlids you are adding to the 30 and 55 to be better able to help.

Or are you asking what cichlids you can put in there also?
In a 55 you could put 1 Oscar in there.

A firemouth with a some barbs and danios.

A salvini would work also, but these guys are mean as all get out. I don't know what would be compatable with them.

Probably the most beautiful setup you could have is a tank full of African Mbunas. You'd be able to get a lot of them in a 55.
That's a great choice.

If you have any questions please let us know. There's a lot of people here that have a lot of info that can help if you need.

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