5 week olds


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
My wittle beebee's!!!

They've grown so much :wub: I had to post one more set of pics while I can still call them "fry". They'll be juvies by next week!!
This is also my last spawn of the year,at least until late this fall. We're going on vacation late June so I can't have any babies who need to be fed. These will just be old enough to leave alone for five days by June :/ I put away my bbs hatcheries a few days ago and it was kind of depressing,knowing I won't be pulling them right back out as usual -_-
Anyway, omgawd I love these fry :wub: They're my wittle pwecious,wecious,wecious,weciousness'...oops,sorry...


Love this pic :*)

Moving out of the nursery and into a grow out tomorrow :(
They are soo cute! hehehe

They kinda look see through to me. maybe its just me.... :unsure:

When do they start developing colours?
:( man everyones bettas seem to be biggar than mine at 5 weeks and i feed the same as u lot and do water changes.
must be somthing in the water over there :p
awww,that's cuz they've been eating frozen lately :nod: No more baby food for them :flex: ( :-( )
Aw Wuv your so cute and so are your wittle fishy babies
Thanks fishy :wub: :wub:
When do they start developing colours?
Hard to say with these kind. Usually around 6-7 weeks, but these are metallic and from my experience they only get better with age. I didn't start seeing color on my others until they were close to 8 weeks or so. :thumbs:
What do their parents look like?
CC,these are from that amazing green metallic male that I've had forever and an orange girl. Crazy combo but the results are lovely :wub:

they are lovly how many females/males you got?
Thanks! Can't tell that yet either, in a couple of weeks for sure. If I stare at the eyes and ventrals long enough I could sex them,but no point in it right now. They're my colorless,sexless babes :p
Wou! They growth so fast. Didn't know you got the second batch now. They are so cute little sweetie pie. :wub:
:huh: Do the stripes mean they are female or do all the young ones get them?
Mine are two weeks old and I've noticed the stripes on a few of them, but not all of them.
nashnutny said:
:huh: Do the stripes mean they are female or do all the young ones get them?
Mine are two weeks old and I've noticed the stripes on a few of them, but not all of them.
No,that just means they'll be a dark bodied fish :thumbs: The striped one's are those who I'm most interested in, with this particular spawn anyway.

Yeevia :*
No probs.

Awww,the babes are all colorful today :wub: And really,really moving to a grow out already :S Sheesh,I've been putting it off because I need to majorly rearrange the fish room.
One of my faves..

I see lots of green too when I hit them with a flashlight :hyper:
Aww, hi little cutie patooties! :wub: Boy, are you guys going to get a treat when you move into that grow out! All the more space to punk each other out.... :shifty:

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