5 Gallon tank

if you're getting guppies, only get males, since you don't want a million little baby ones in your 5 gall :no: . i say males because they are much prettier (and i've never met a male guppy that fights!! :D ) why not just get 6 lil guppies - they swim at all levels and are pretty (and there are loads of different types :nod: ) ;)
i'd go with 3 Male Guppies and an Apple/Black Mystery Snail (scavenging and algae-eating) plant the tank with a trio of hardy Vallisnera (soon it'll explode, trust me) and some colorful silkees of your liking. head out to your local Dollar Store and lok around for candle holders; a lot of them, with some brainpower, look a lot like caves!

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