5 Gal And 10 Gal


Fish Crazy
Aug 27, 2005
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OK so i have 2 empty tanks. A 5 gallon one and a 10 gallon one. I need ideas of what to put in them. Like what tyes of fish or invertabrates, decorations, gravel or sand, planted or plastic, i have plenty of money to spend on these so shoot out ur wildest ideas at me.
Its a matter of personal choice really. Maybe you could get a dwarf puffer, but then I don't know much about them, or maybe some corys. Or maybe bettas.
What about hermit crabs that live on land?.....I saw them on here one time and they were so cool, Ive never seen them here in the UK but I see you're in the states and so were all the people that had them......cant remember who it was now but they were COOL!
tortoise i really lik them just turm one of your tanks into a vivarium.They are cool
hermit crabs are evvvverywhere here. sold for like $1. If youre going to maybe turn the 10 gallon into something other than a fish tank, you should go for the "dumpy tree frog" soooo much personality, and a friggin dorable. They get along well with green tree frogs too so you could always get one of each. Thats what I had and they loved eachother.
What about hermit crabs that live on land?.....I saw them on here one time and they were so cool, Ive never seen them here in the UK but I see you're in the states and so were all the people that had them......cant remember who it was now but they were COOL!

If you want hermit crabs then you should know that they are easy to get in the Uk you just need to know where to go. Chances are that your aquatic store will be able to get them for you and if not any reptile store will stock them or be able to get them.

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