4X2X2 Stocking


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2008
Reaction score
Basingstoke, Hampshire
in my new 4x2x2 im looking to get the following jsut wondered if you think its to much.

6 discus

4 triple red agassizi (1male 3 female)
4 triple red dwarf cockatoos (1male 3 female?
2 German blue/Electric blue rams (male female?
about 40 probs cardinals or tetra of sum sorts.

and possibly 2 keyhole cichlids
Stocking in a tank is highly dependent on the filtration rate and size of filter, mainly how much bio logical medial you have in your filter.

I have two jumbo filter running on my 200ltr Fluval Roma tank (Eheim 2215 and Fluval 404). Both my filter has only biological and mechanical filters i'm not using carbon or anything else, as thse kinda of absorbing media can even absorb the fertilizers for plants as well as medications.

some bio media is better than others, so if you are looking for best bio media for higher stocking you should be looking for Seachem Matrix, it will eliminate ammonia and nitrite but those bacteria inside the small pores of this media will absorb Nitrate as well (only this media can do this) and convert nitrate to nitrogen gas. there is one another media called De-Nitrate from seachem but its for De-Nitrator (nitrate filter).

So increas filteration or filter volume with Bio filter media, i dont think after that you need to worry about stockings.

well my current tank is 28degrees but wen i get this tank just after xmas i will be sticking it on 29-30degrees.

so you dont think thats to many fish fighting for different territories in that size tank?
well my current tank is 28degrees but wen i get this tank just after xmas i will be sticking it on 29-30degrees.

so you dont think thats to many fish fighting for different territories in that size tank?

Only thing i can say is Tetras dont have their tetories, but dont have experience of discus
yer the discuss will be fine, im thinking about the 8 appistos and 2 keyhole cichlids. Though i read each male appisto needs about 18inch territory, and the female smaller but inside the males terriotories, wanted to no if there space left for keyholes or will the appistos chase them everywhere.
in my new 4x2x2 im looking to get the following jsut wondered if you think its to much.

6 discus

4 triple red agassizi (1male 3 female)
4 triple red dwarf cockatoos (1male 3 female?
2 German blue/Electric blue rams (male female?
about 40 probs cardinals or tetra of sum sorts.

and possibly 2 keyhole cichlids

4x2x2 sounds like about a 75gallon aquarium to me. Stocks not terrible, but I'd personally have some fish that aren't going to hide a lot. Your dwarf cockatoos and agasizi's will hide near the bottom and behind rocks/decorations for the most part. The Discus may be a problem too because, just like angelfish, they will eat cardinal/neon tetras when they reach full size. The Discus should also be kept in extremly clean water and more than likely RO/deionized water with a low Ph level. Excellent filtration will be needed as well as weekly water changes of up to 50% if this is to work...

If you can keep on top of the water quality and tank maintenance than I think you should be good :good:
its 120 gallon, yer i was worried about the cardinals and discus, alot of people have said if u put them together when there young you shouldnt have a problem, if i do its gonna be expencive :(. i only use ro water i jsut need to make sure the ph will be fine once i got it up and running. Wat fish would you go for? maybe ill go for set of appistos if you reccomend anything nice.
30 degress may be good for discus but its going to kill your cardinals for sure. Warmer temperates increase the eating 'need' in fish and will also dramatically shorten their life span. This is why alot of people keep a discus only tank.
Rummy nose tetras are popular dither fish with discus as they like the warmer temperatures, also german blue rams require warmer water too.

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