due to a change in circumstances..
i'm selling my tank's as i just dont have the time to keep on top of them now,
1, 4ft 18" high complete with double stand, filter, heater, light, bogwood, plants, gravel & fish
fish include, silver sharks, 2 blue marbled gourami, 1 dwarf, serpae glowlight & black neon tetra's,
danio's, rainbow's, white cloud minnow's, 2 leopard plec's, (6" approx) 1 clown plec,
yo-yo & zebra loach, 2 metae cory's, 2 peppered cory's, 1 panda cory
also extra filter, lots of new media, heaters, gravel cleaner, air pumps etc
bargain at £130
2, 30L tank with box, built in bio filter, light's, heater, complete with gravel, plants
& 5 guppie's
bargain at £40
i'm selling my tank's as i just dont have the time to keep on top of them now,
1, 4ft 18" high complete with double stand, filter, heater, light, bogwood, plants, gravel & fish
fish include, silver sharks, 2 blue marbled gourami, 1 dwarf, serpae glowlight & black neon tetra's,
danio's, rainbow's, white cloud minnow's, 2 leopard plec's, (6" approx) 1 clown plec,
yo-yo & zebra loach, 2 metae cory's, 2 peppered cory's, 1 panda cory
also extra filter, lots of new media, heaters, gravel cleaner, air pumps etc
bargain at £130
2, 30L tank with box, built in bio filter, light's, heater, complete with gravel, plants
& 5 guppie's
bargain at £40