🐡 FOTM gwand - December 2024 Fish of the Month Winner(Any Fish)


Plant Man
Contest Moderator
5x Tank of the Month 🏆
Nov 18, 2021
Reaction score
37.2431° N, 115.7930° W
We have a winner in Fishforums.net
December 2024 Fish
of the Month Contest
We had 12 awesome fish entered in this month's FOTM contest but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate them
Here's the winning fish and its description

Young adult Apistogramma cacatuoides orange flash who recently spawned with his mate. This is his second spawning and he’s doing a better job of guarding the brood. His favorite food are blood worms.
Congrats to @gwand with your Apisto. Great picture!
We have a tie for 2nd place. Congrats to @MattW and @jossswonk.
And coming in tied for 3rd place are @emeraldking and @BarbsandGobies_expert. Nice job.

The poll is open for our TFF Tank of Year contest. We want every member to vote in this important contest.
CLICK HERE to vote today!
Congrats to gwand for the win with your Apistogramma cacatuoides. Your winning entry reminds me of a dyed mohawk haircut. Cool looking fish.

Our Tank of the Year poll is now open. Be sure you vote in this all important contest. Winner to be announced at noon on New Year's day.
CLICK HERE to view the TOTY poll.
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Congrats! :hooray:
Handsome fish! Congrats on the win! Glad to see some apisto love
Handsome fish! Congrats on the win! Glad to see some apisto love
Thanks. I have 11 fish species across 5 tanks and a 6th tank for ADFs. The Apistogramma cacatuoides - orange is definitely my favorite. I would love to explore other Apistogramma in the future.
Tell us a bit about that cave. Almost looks like a coconut.

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