Yes it's a gravid female, but spawning is very very unlikely. Most pangio breeding reports are accidental, and even then they're few and far between. Nearly all in the hobby are wildcaught, or even some cases of using artificial hormone method spawning at farms is suspect for some such as the Albino forms for example.
They'll fill with eggs, but that's as much as most folks get.
These guys require groups, much larger than 3. If you added at least 8, you will see them out way more often. More than 8 even better. 6 is absolutely minimum but pangio are one of those fish that thrive best in huge numbers. And luckily their bioload is so so small that large numbers of them won't dent much of your parameters. One of the few fish out there impossible to overstock with.
They gain confidence with higher numbers.
And they should also have sand, they're sifting fish by nature. Rocks remove this opportunity.