
Instant Ocean marine salts contain sodium chloride as well as magnesium and calcium chlorides and carbonates. It also contains trace minerals that naturally occur in sea water.

Zebra and Leopard danios are a freshwater species that have not evolved to live in brackish or sea water.

I understand you are using reverse osmosis/ de-ionised water and are trying to add minerals to increase the general hardness. However, marine salts are not the option due to the sodium chloride in them. You would be better off using a Rift Lake water conditioner designed for African Rift Lake cichlids. These water conditioners contain calcium and magnesium chloride and other trace minerals, but they have very little or no sodium chloride. You use the Rift Lake water conditioner at about 1/4 dose rate to give pure water a GH of around 100ppm. That is all the danios need.

Sodium chloride damages the kidneys of fresh water fishes and people, animals and birds. The only reason to be using sodium chloride in aquariums is to treat some diseases and if you keep brackish water fishes.

Some of the danios in the picture you provided appear to have red areas around their gills and pectoral fin muscle. This could be from poor water quality or poor quality fish with part of the gill cover missing. I need a better picture of the fish to see what the gill covers are like.

You should also check the water quality for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH and make sure the water is safe for fish.

As for the cloudy water, I am guessing it is uneaten food and fish waste encouraging a bacterial bloom due to the lack of filtration.

Adding an established biological filter would probably help, otherwise do big daily water changes to keep the tank cleaner.
Hello fellow aquarium enthusiasts

A week ago I set up some new Zebrafish tanks with 15 zebrafish pr. tank. Before adding the zebrafish to the new tanks and water I added TetraSafe Start bacteria to the tanks. The tank water is made from RO water with InstantOcean (60mg/L).

The pH has been stable in the range of 7.7 - 8.2 and the Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate levels have stayed near zero.

As expected, there is a large bacterial bloom. However, the water has started to turn a pink/ reddish colour (see images), which I do not understand. my only explanation could be the feed which has a brown/ reddish colour, however, not all tanks have this pink/ reddish colour.

Any advice is highly appreciated

Best Regards
Kristian Andersen

The OP states the tank uses 60 mg/L of instant ocean. The sodium chloride content in so dilute in this concentration it would have no effect on the fish’s health.
The OP states the tank uses 60 mg/L of instant ocean. The sodium chloride content in so dilute in this concentration it would have no effect on the fish’s health.

This is not true, sorry. I wrote an article on salt and freshwater fish a few yeaqrs ago and Neale Monks published it on Wet Web Media. In that article I explain how salt does harm freshwater fish. The tolerance level is very low, and should not be permanent. Harder water species (livebearers for example) have a higher tolerance for sodium chloride but for soft water species this is not advisable except to treat a specific disease/issue on a temporary basis.

The need to add trace elements (in this case in the form of instant ocean) stems from using distilled water which is virtually pure H20. Fish need dissolved ions in surrounding water to properly osmoregulate and thus survive.

This needs explaining, as it too is inaccurate as a blanket statement. Soft water species such as those in the Amazon basin have evolved over thousands of years to function within a very specific environment, which here includes the water parameters. The habitat water for the majority is basically devoid of minerals. My tap water has a GH of 7 ppm and zero KH. I have maintained and spawned soft water species for over 30 years in this water, with never using any re-mineralization or buffering. Ian Fuller uses RO for his wild Corydoras species.

Species from moderately hard or harder waters do need minerals (calcium and magnesium primarily) in the water in order for their physiology to properly function. But they do not need sodium chloride salt as is in Instant Ocean. Forcing any freshwater species (with a very few exceptions) into that environment is inhumane.
This is not true, sorry. I wrote an article on salt and freshwater fish a few yeaqrs ago and Neale Monks published it on Wet Web Media. In that article I explain how salt does harm freshwater fish. The tolerance level is very low, and should not be permanent. Harder water species (livebearers for example) have a higher tolerance for sodium chloride but for soft water species this is not advisable except to treat a specific disease/issue on a temporary basis.

This needs explaining, as it too is inaccurate as a blanket statement. Soft water species such as those in the Amazon basin have evolved over thousands of years to function within a very specific environment, which here includes the water parameters. The habitat water for the majority is basically devoid of minerals. My tap water has a GH of 7 ppm and zero KH. I have maintained and spawned soft water species for over 30 years in this water, with never using any re-mineralization or buffering. Ian Fuller uses RO for his wild Corydoras species.

Species from moderately hard or harder waters do need minerals (calcium and magnesium primarily) in the water in order for their physiology to properly function. But they do not need sodium chloride salt as is in Instant Ocean. Forcing any freshwater species (with a very few exceptions) into that environment is inhumane.
The amount of instant ocean used by the OP is 60 mg/l. The percentage of sodium chloride in instant ocean is roughly 80% by mass. The percentage of sodium chloride (NaCl) that the zebra danios are living in is 0.048g per liter. That’s an incredibly tiny amount of NaCl that won’t register on many high precision scales, nor would it have any affect on a zebra danio. To put it in perspective, the amount of arsenic acceptable in tap water by many municipalities in the US is 0.010 mgL (ūg). I am unaware of studies on freshwater fish being exposed to such tiny amounts of NaCl, particularly in a laboratory setting as in the OP, but certainly your wetwebmedia article doesn’t not cite any scientific studies on such. The amount of “aquarium salt” or NaCl that hobbyists use on a temporary basis is on the order of thousands of times higher that the OP is housing their zebra danios in, again in a laboratory setting.

As far as your soft water species go, no their environment is not totally devoid of dissolved ions, albeit it is very little. Life would not sustain a cycle in pure H20. Your soft water fish living in living in RO water is not a problem, a RO filter does not produce 100% pure H20. Hobbyist version RO units remove roughly 99% of ions and molecules from the tap (brand new) and efficiency drops drastically as the membrane wears. Not to mention having anything in your aquarium, IE driftwood, gravel, would alter this chemistry to a degree.
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Thank you for all the replies!

Yes the zebrafish are kept in a laboratory and will soon be transferred to Tecniplast systems (https://www.tecniplast.it/usermedia/en/2016/brochures/TP_AQUATICS.pdf) once we have activated the biofilters of these systems. We only aim to keep the zebrafish as happy and healthy as possible. Therefore, the bacteria bloom and the reddish colour of the temporary tanks are troubling to us.

It wasn't supposed to be a debate about salt. Here is a reliable source to why we add 60mg/L Instant Ocean sea salt (https://zfin.org/zf_info/zfbook/chapt1/1.1.html). There are many more sources that say the same and Instant Ocean Sea Salt is used worldwide in zebrafish facilities as a supplement to RO water.
Thank you for all the replies!

Yes the zebrafish are kept in a laboratory and will soon be transferred to Tecniplast systems (https://www.tecniplast.it/usermedia/en/2016/brochures/TP_AQUATICS.pdf) once we have activated the biofilters of these systems. We only aim to keep the zebrafish as happy and healthy as possible. Therefore, the bacteria bloom and the reddish colour of the temporary tanks are troubling to us.

It wasn't supposed to be a debate about salt. Here is a reliable source to why we add 60mg/L Instant Ocean sea salt (https://zfin.org/zf_info/zfbook/chapt1/1.1.html). There are many more sources that say the same and Instant Ocean Sea Salt is used worldwide in zebrafish facilities as a supplement to RO water.

If members post links they can expect other members to comment. And this link is not reliable, notwithstanding it seems to be a university. Twenty-five Zebra Danio in a 10 gallon tank is cruel and inhumane treatment. And adding any level of salt is more of the same. Nothing more need be said.
If members post links they can expect other members to comment. And this link is not reliable, notwithstanding it seems to be a university. Twenty-five Zebra Danio in a 10 gallon tank is cruel and inhumane treatment. And adding any level of salt is more of the same. Nothing more need be said.
There are many sources that cite using instant ocean at 60mg/l, I cited a source as did the OP. Unless you can cite a scientific study, not your personal opinion, I think it’s worth everyone’s while to engage in a discussion. Shutting down others because you don’t agree with their logic is the basis of anti-information that shouldn’t be encouraged on a public forum.

EDIT: Also, some discus keepers have been remineralizing RO/DI with instant ocean for years, even breeding. It’s not a far fetched concept, nor is it proved deleterious for fish health.
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There are many sources that cite using instant ocean at 60mg/l, I cited a source as did the OP. Unless you can cite a scientific study, not your personal opinion, I think it’s worth everyone’s while to engage in a discussion. Shutting down others because you don’t agree with their logic is the basis of anti-information that shouldn’t be encouraged on a public forum.

I referenced my article on the detrimental effects of salt. No one is debating the scientific facts therein, which are referenced, so this is not a true discussion. However, I just now intended to post a link but it appears the WetWebMedia site is offline, so I will provide my article here, I can't expect people to read it by telepathy. ;)
Instead of using marine salts, how about using rift lake water conditioner?
It will provide minerals but no salt.

Problem solved.

FYI, rift lake conditioners are usually cheaper than marine salts so you should save some money as well as helping the fish.
Salt and the Freshwater Aquarium

Numbers in square brackets indicate a citation from the applicable reference works listed at the end.

Many fish stores, and other “sources of wisdom” about fishkeeping, will recommend salt as a general "tonic" for freshwater tropical fish. The usual suggested dosage of salt is something like a teaspoon per 5 gallons. As David A. Lass points out, there is not much therapeutic benefit at those dosages. “Salt serves more to assuage the hobbyist's need to ‘do something’ for their tropical fish,” he writes. [8] There is absolutely no need to add salt to freshwater aquaria except as a specific treatment, and even here the sensitivity of certain fish species must be kept in mind. Fish health expert Dr Peter Burgess says he certainly doesn't advocate salt for permanent use: "Unless the species has a natural requirement for salt, then we should not add salt to an aquarium (or pond).” [1]

As the scientific data presented in this summary article indicates, adding salt to a freshwater aquarium on a regular basis will, at best, do nothing of any value at all. But at worst, it will stress salt-intolerant fish, making them more vulnerable to disease and less likely to live a healthy and normal lifespan. To understand why, we need to understand what salt does in water, and how fish are affected. But before this, we must clarify just what we mean by “salt.”

Sodium chloride

In chemistry, salts are ionic compounds that result from the neutralization reaction of an acid and a base. They are composed of cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negative ions) so that the product is electrically neutral (without a net charge) [Wikipedia, definition of “Salt (chemistry)”]. There are mineral salts for most minerals. But for the purpose of this article, we are dealing solely with common salt—what we know as table salt, or rock salt, or aquarium salt. This salt is a mineral that is composed primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl), a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of ionic salts. It is essential for animal life in small quantities, but it is harmful to animals and plants in excess. Marine salt has other minerals in it too, but it is still “salt” for the purpose of this discussion.

Salt is an irritant, which causes the fish to secrete more mucus particularly in the gills where osmoregulation is occurring. And if salt is not predissolved carefully, it can give fish bad burns; this is especially true for scaleless fish, such as loaches, many catfish and some types of eels. [9]

Salt makes the water denser than the same water without salt. The aquarium contains water. The bodies of fish and plant leaves also contain water, just as we do—humans are approximately 70% water. The water in the aquarium and the water in the fish/plant are separated by a semi-permeable layer which is the cell. Water can and continually does pass through this cell; fish do not “drink” because they don’t have to in order to take in water. When either body of water is denser, the other less-dense body of water will pass through the membrane to equalize the water on both sides. The fish must control this process through what is termed osmoregulation.

Freshwater Fish Physiology

Salt definitely interferes with the osmotic regulation of fish and plants. It should be left alone; nature regulated that part itself, by creating freshwater, brackish and saltwater fish. The vast majority of freshwater fish live in waters having no measurable salinity, and this has been crucial in the evolution of their physiology. Fresh water fish differ physiologically from salt water fish in several respects: their gills must be able to diffuse dissolved gasses while keeping the salts in the body fluids inside; their scales reduce water diffusion through the skin; and they also have well developed kidneys to reclaim salts from body fluids before excretion.

Freshwater fish have physiological mechanisms that permit them to concentrate salts within their bodies in a salt-deficient environment; marine fish, on the other hand, excrete excess salts in a hypertonic environment. Fish that live in both environments retain both mechanisms. Freshwater fish concentrate salts to compensate for their low salinity environment. They produce very dilute but copious urine—up to a third of their body weight each day—to rid themselves of excess water, while conducting active uptake of ions at the gills. [2]

The kidneys of freshwater fish have two functions: osmoregulation [discussed below] and hematopoiesis, which is the formation of blood celular components. Each fish species is adapted to the range of salts in its habitat water, and the kidneys function well within that range. The kidneys have to work harder whenever the salt content of the water in which the fish is living is greater than that of the fish’s preference, i.e., the natural habitat. The closer the water is to the species’ requirements, the easier it will be for the fish to maintain proper osmotic levels. One of the myths about the “benefit” of regular addition of salt is that it allegedly maintains an osmoregulatory balance; in point of fact, regular use of salt has the exact opposite effect and can cause bloating due to an osmotic imbalance. [3]

Osmoregulation is the technical term for the physiological mechanism fish use to control the amount of salt and water in their bodily fluids. As the name suggests, it's based on osmosis. Water is constantly passing through the cells of freshwater fish by osmosis in an attempt to equate the water inside the fish with the water in the aquarium. Freshwater fish regularly excrete this water through respiration and urination; the average fish will urinate 30% of its body mass every day. The more salt in the aquarium water, the greater the strain on the fish's kidneys, which in turn adds to the fish's stress in attempting to maintain their internal stability.

And salinity affects the amount of energy the fish must spend to maintain the physiological equilibrium—the complex chain of internal chemical reactions that keep the pH of the fish’s blood steady, its tissues fed, and the immune system functioning. When salinity increases beyond what the fish is designed by nature to handle, the fish must work harder and use more energy just to “keep going.” Laura Muha [4] likens this to driving a car up a steep hill—it takes more energy (gas) to maintain the same speed as driving on level ground, and it causes more “wear and tear.” This increased energy output is wearing down the fish, and the fish is not able to expend this crucial energy on other important functions. The growth rate is affected, a shorter lifespan will usually result, and there will be increased risk of various health problems along the way.

Fish and plants from mineral-poor waters do not appreciate being kept in slightly saline water conditions. Many of the most popular fish today, like cardinal tetra and rasbora, come from soft water habitats. Short term exposure to low salt concentrations across a few days or a couple of weeks may not do them major harm, but constant use of salt in their aquaria could cause problems. [5] In Weitzman et al. (1996), the authors mention that 100 ppm of salt is the maximum that can be tolerated by most characins, and some species show considerable stress leading to death at a level of 60 ppm. [6] To put this in perspective, 100 ppm is approximately equal to 0.38 gram of salt per gallon of water. One level teaspoon holds approximately six grams of salt, so just 1 teaspoon of salt in 16 gallons of water will cause stress, and in some species lead to death.

Another problem is that salt increases the total dissolved solids [TDS] in the water. An aquarium treated with one teaspoon of salt per gallon of water will have an established dose of 2400 ppm. Add to this the TDS occurring from calcium and magnesium salts [these make water “hard”], water conditioners and other additives, and you can end up with over 3000 ppm of TDS. [10] This is intolerable for most fish; even the very hard water in the African rift lakes does not contain more than 600 ppm TDS. And for fish from naturally soft and acidic water environments, this is very dangerous, for nowhere in nature does acidic water exist with a level of TDS anywhere near this. And the deviation from normal osmotic pressure that this creates is very harmful to all fish.

Keeping the tank salty all the time will not help with disease resistance in freshwater fish; in fact, it will actually increase the fishes’ susceptibility to disease and parasites by keeping the fish somewhat stressed all the time, and this weakens the immune system. And at the low level of salt generally recommended for these so-called benefits, there will be no benefit that cannot be achieved solely with regular water changes using a good conditioner.

Some concluding thoughts...

Using salt to increase water hardness

Although plain aquarium/tonic salt (sodium chloride) is sometimes suggested as a good way to increase hardness and improve buffering, it in fact provides neither. Marine salt mix, on the other hand, will raise the pH and carbonate hardness quite significantly. But it also raises the salinity, something most freshwater fish do not appreciate. If you live in a soft water area and want to keep hard water fish, using marine salt mix is not really a viable option. Rift Valley cichlids, in particular, seem to be peculiarly sensitive to salt, and elevated salinity levels have been identified as one factor responsible for the dropsy-like disease known as Malawi Bloat (Andrews, et al. 1988). [7]

Fish lore also has it that salt is good for use with mollies, other livebearers and goldfish. David Lass [8] notes that the vast majority of livebearers, including mollies of all types and colors, and sailfins, come from the Far East. They have been raised for generations in water that is moderately hard, and of neutral pH. These tropical fish are very far removed from the wild mollies that came from brackish water. All of the sailfin and lyretail mollies, balloon bellies, blacks, reds, and dalmations do fine without salt. The same with goldfish. The main confusion is that tropical fish need alkalinity. Salt is just one part of alkalinity.

Although NaCl is not composed of any truly "hard" ions, it does raise the total dissolved solids in the water. This is not well tolerated by a number of fish, especially true softwater fish from places like the Amazon River basin, where there are very few electrolytes of any kind in the water. Salt can have an unpredictable effect on softwater fish, since there are no bodies of water in Nature which are naturally saline (high in NaCl) while being very low in "true" hardness ion concentration (calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.). [9]

Salt and Plants: When salt is added to the aquarium water, the water inside the plant cells is less dense so it escapes through the cells. The result is that the plant literally dries out, and will wilt. I've so far been unable to find a measurement of how much salt will be detrimental to plants; all authorities I have found do note that some species are more sensitive than others, and all recommend no salt in planted aquaria.

Domestic water softeners: Domestic water softeners do not produce soft water in the sense that aquarists mean. What domestic water softeners do is remove the temporary hardness (such as carbonates) that potentially furs up pipes and heaters by replacing it with permanent hardness (such as chlorides) that does not. While you can pass this softened water through a reverse-osmosis filter to remove the permanent hardness as well, until you have done so, you shouldn't consider the softened water as being suitable for soft water fish.

In fact, aquarists are divided on whether the resulting softened water is safe for keeping fish at all. The odd balance of minerals in softened water is not typical of any of the environments from which tropical fish are collected. While the chloride levels are much higher than those soft water fish are adapted to, the levels of carbonate hardness are too low for the health of hard water fishes like Rift Valley cichlids, goldfish, and livebearers. So the safe approach is not to use it in any aquarium, and instead draw water from the unsoftened drinking water source in the kitchen. [7]


[1] Matt Clark, Practical Fishkeeping. http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/content.php?sid=2850

[2] Aldo Palmisano, Chemist, U.S. Geological Survey Biological Resources Division, and an affiliate of the University of Washington in Seattle.

[3] Stanley Weitzman, Lisa Palmer, Naercio Menezes and John Burns, “Breeding and Rearing Mimagoniates Species, Internally Fertilized Tetras,” Tropical Fish Hobbyist, Volume XLIV, No. 12 (August 1996).

[4] Laura Muha, “The Skeptical Fishkeeper” column in Tropical Fish Hobbyist, December 2006.

[5] Dr. Neale Monks, “Use and Abuse of Salt and Epsom Salt in Freshwater Aquaria and Ponds,” Wet Web Media. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebindex/SaltUseFWArtNeale.htm

[6] Stanley Weitzman, Lisa Palmer, Naercio Menezes and John Burns, “Maintaining Tropical and Subtropical Forest-Adapted Fishes,” Tropical Fish Hobbyist, Volume XLIV, Nos. 10 and 11 (June and July 1996).

[7] Dr. Neale Monks, “A Practical Approach to Freshwater Aquarium Water Chemistry,” Wet Web Media.

[8] David A. Lass, “Using Salt for Freshwater Aquarium Fish,” FishChannel. http://www.fishchannel.com/fish-health/disease-prevention/salt-freshwater-fish.aspx

[9] Cecilia Chen, Badman’s Tropical Fish. http://www.badmanstropicalfish.com/articles/article5.html

[10] Mark E. Evans, “The Ins & Outs of Osmosis,”: Tropical Fish Hobbyist, February 2004.

Byron Hosking
April 15, 2012
I think the distinction needs to be made: Does your article cite any sources studying the effects of NaCl at the levels the OP is using (60mg/L)?
Thanks for the suggestion Colin. The salts is not a problem for us though. :) And Bryon I would happily read your article if you post it.
I’ve read the above article. It does not show anything regarding NaCl levels on fish health that the OP is using at approximately 0.048mg/L. It only shows NaCl being used at levels almost 10 times higher in tap water, not distilled water. This distinction is vital. Not to mention, as already pointed out, the OP is not using pure NaCL but rather instant ocean.
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I’ve read the above article. It does not show anything regarding NaCl levels on fish health that the OP is using at approximately 0.048mg/L. It only shows NaCl being used at levels almost 10 times higher in tap water, not distilled water. This distinction is vital. Not to mention, as already pointed out, the OP is not using pure NaCL but rather instant ocean.

None of this answers the question, why use Instant Ocean which has sodium chloride that freshwater fish do not need? There are as Colin noted better products that do not include sodium chloride.
None of this answers the question, why? There are as Colin noted better products that do not include sodium chloride.
Because it simply does not show data for NaCl levels at 0.048g/L as the OP is using. It shows a much different set of data based on a tap water using a different product (pure NaCl).

The distinction of numbers is vital because, for example, c02 levels in your home at 1,000ppm are much different from levels at 10,0000ppm. You may be able to live comfortably at one level with no zero deleterious effects but at a level 10 times higher could be fatal.

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