42G First Tank

There are contrasting views on whether it's okay to have plants in during a fishless cycle or not. IMO, the only down side is you might get some plant melting from the high ammonia. BUT what the heck else are you supposed to do with your tank while you wait for it to cycle, right?!! ;)   
Lighting depends on what type of plants you want to go for, there are lots of options for "low level" lighting. Java fern, anubias, crypts, java moss... these are all pretty easy! I would just make sure you have atleast 1 wpg (watt per gallon).  java fern and anubias need to have their roots free of the substrate, so attach them to something like rocks or wood with fishing line, cotton thread, or super glue :good:   
Fake plants shouldn't harm the fish no, but the fish will appreciate real plants much more as they are natural, but start with what you can do and feel comfortable doing. No one says you can't mix fake and real, and slowly add more real if you want!!! 
The biggest issue in my view with plants and cycling is this simple formula: Lights + ammonia = algae.

There's really no rush on adding the plants.

As for java fern and anubias, the brown strands (roots if you will) can be buried, just not the green horizontal "stem" called a rhizome.
lol I honestly didn't know that ammonia could cause algae. Well, that explains A LOT. 
All hail Eagles 
I won't say that I've never "cycled" with plants.  I have.  But it was with mature media and I added just enough ammonia to be processed before the lights came on... so by the time the lights were on, the ammonia had been processed and converted to nitrates for my plants to use.  And it was only done with low levels of ammonia.

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