40G Am I Understocked Or Overstocked?

Yep they look good to me!
Also, what Blondie asked.
I'm very sorry about your sterbai cory! Hopefully the other fish will be OK!
Did you just do a water change the day before? If the pH fluctuates some fish are more sensitive to that, and very large differences in pH in a short time can actually cause fish deaths (had this happen in my tanks after a large water change, our water is just the opposite of yours with low dissolved minerals and my pH had dropped from 6.4 to less than 5.5 according to the Nutrafin liquid test kit).
Even though your water is very alkaline, I don't think you need to bring the pH down quite so much. The fish will get used to a higher pH even though in your fish's natural habitat the water would be soft and more acidic. I think it would also make it easier for you to maintain if the difference between the tank's pH and the pH from the tap is not so large. 
I use ten to twenty percent supplemented RO water the stuff I get from the ro machine at Von's, walmarts seven 11 its 100% pure of chemicals and additives has 07ppm of good minerals so yes when I use this the hardness and ph might drop some at max like .1ph and maybe 5-10ppm lower on the tds meter never would I go from 7.6 to 7 instantly cause that's six times more acidic then previous. He probably died from other reasons could a newer porous rock cause problems the LFS has this rock that looks like its valcanic not sure if it is but they said it'd be fine and I bought a chunk for hardscape its been in there 3 weeks hasn't drastically affected ph or hardness from what I see on my readings though another ph test of another brand showed 7.6 too so I'm on the tip of low range with API this other test shows everything in 1 range though so that's nice
Feather said:
I wouldn't say its over or under stocked. I'd say its just about right. Of course, there is room for more harlequins if you want. 
I'm surprised the Honey Gourami and the Rams get along, they rams usually bully the gourami.
The only thing I can suggest to add besides more harlequins is maybe a school of Otocinclus Catfish? They are very peaceful algae eaters that only get maybe an inch to two inches long. 4-6 would be a good number.
Or if you don't want fish, how about some Nerite Snails? They eat green, brown, and hair algae, and don't reproduce in fresh water. 
Or you could have otos and the nerites, but you'd have to toss in an algae tab every couple of days so no one starves.
Good luck!
I've kept Thicklipped, Honey, Dwarf, Moonlight & Three Spot Gouramis with my Bolivian Rams at one point or another and usually the Gouramis do the bullying.  Most Gourami species tend to be the alpha of the tank while Bolivian Rams seem content with being the alpha within their group.
Sorry about the Cory.
To answer your original question I think your tank has room to increase the number of Rasboras no problem.  Then again, I tend to overstock my tanks...........just make sure you don't get too many bottom dwellers since they'll be arguing over real estate.  I've had problems with a Bristlenose Pleco that chases the Corries even though I only have 1 male Bolvian Ram, small female BN Plec and only 7 Threelined Corries in a 55 gallon.  We're planning to rehome that BN Pleco so we can increase the number of Corries.  I don't think 7 Corries and 2 Rams is too much for the bottom region, you should be able to add a few more Corries if you wanted to. A 40 gallon breeder is a nice sized tank with a large "footprint" which makes it a very desirable size for Corydoras keepers.
Well I only have one small 1 inch sunset honey it doesn't show any interest in other fish my rams even though the bottom has lots of wood both insist on ramming eachother for dominence the other sterbai is looking fatigued. He's all alone try's to hang with peppers but they tend to school separately
Thanks for the info ruskull I have bad news I awoke to find the second petco sterbai cory to seem lethargic. All my peppered were happy to have the light on, same with the rams. This one cory was on a green melon sword leaf just sitting there for an hour. So I netted him, he didn't resist the netting at all? Moved him into a 5gal bucket with a 5gal heater and 5gals of tank water with an airstone. he swam a little and a few hours later he passed. Idk what was wrong with the petco corys those are my only stock from petco except 3 rasboras came from there too all other fish come from lfs which runs each tank on a different filter so if theres problems in one tank there wont be illness spread throughout the system. Should i be worried about my other fish? I know petcos water is pretty much going through all the tanks. my rasboras school tightly and are all healthly with vibrant gold and black markings so they're don't seem sick. I flushed the two dead corys or id ask for suggestions on appearance. I did notice flushed colors usually they're solid white with black dots today i could see milkness to their skin almost able to outline their organs. Sorry for the paragraph guys just wanted to know if anyone knows what i should do would hate to loose more corys or any other fish
I think unhealthy corys or dead ones have a milky appearance, but could easily be wrong. Sorry for your loss :(
If your parameters are good and your fish aren't acting out of the ordinary, I think everything should be good.
Thanks ninja you guys are awesome. I'm happy my tank is good water wise. I was worried cause i didn't test for a while was waiting for the api master kit to get here. Happy it is now. I'm not going to add anything for atleast a month. I've added the java recent the honey gourami recently those petco corys were only 30 days old max. So too many variables for unknown problems right now. I'll let the tank mature another 3 months before worrying about what to add.
Just keep your eye out for anyone acting weird. 
Sounds like a plan to me :) Hope you're enjoying your tank!
Most definitely am, don't know if i told you but I got this glass one in the picture for 40 bucks and a acrylic the same size for 45 had to get a lid for this glass tank for another 20 but for 60 bucks i think its a good tank. I'm refinishing the acrylic then i'll do something completely new fw with it or go marine :eek: gotta start making more money at work if i go marine though fw is so much easier it seems.
If you did I forgot 

Good job! Were they new or used?
I like the prices of used but we usually end up having to replace everything anyways.
If you do go sw, research research research. And save up that money! 
I'm personally not interested in sw at all due to my dream fish being fw, plus I prefer the look of plants over corals. :p

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