40G Am I Understocked Or Overstocked?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 31, 2013
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I have a 40USG tank thats 3ft long 20inches tall and 14 wide. So far it has 8 harlequin rasboras (was nine til one got too curious and sucked into a syphon he was a young one and didn't make it) 7 corys cats (two sterbai, five spotted) 2 bolivians rams (was three but donated one cause all three were males) and 1 young male honey gourami. Everyone is peaceful rams stay towards the bottom and leave the corys alone. The harlequins and honey gourami stay mostly towards the top. Do you think i can add more harlequins or any other mid-top level fish? I don't want to disrupt my harmony. I have lots of water sprite, spiralis, hairgrass, java fern, java moss, ozlot melon sword, green melon sword, brazilian sword. So I'm atleast medium planted. Thanks for any suggestions guys. I might donate the 2 sterbai corys if they all get big plus i've seen the full grown rams at the lfs and they're no joke either definitely not getting anymore bottom dwellers. Will upload pics in a bit.

Here's the tank guys.


  • tank.JPG
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I wouldn't say its over or under stocked. I'd say its just about right. Of course, there is room for more harlequins if you want. 
I'm surprised the Honey Gourami and the Rams get along, they rams usually bully the gourami.
The only thing I can suggest to add besides more harlequins is maybe a school of Otocinclus Catfish? They are very peaceful algae eaters that only get maybe an inch to two inches long. 4-6 would be a good number.
Or if you don't want fish, how about some Nerite Snails? They eat green, brown, and hair algae, and don't reproduce in fresh water. 
Or you could have otos and the nerites, but you'd have to toss in an algae tab every couple of days so no one starves.
Good luck!
Currently have alittle alegae on some plants and fungus on one of the newer wood pieces the bolivians don't pay any attention to the other fish. Just eachother seems like one owns the hill and cave and the other owns the flat ground to the left of the tank. my honey plays in the watersprite and stays up top like most of my anabantoids have before. I might do as you said and just add 2-4 more rasboras as i really do like them. Maybe take the 2 sterbai corys out since they sometimes split off from the spotted. Can two corys live with a betta in a ten gallon? cause i have a lone betta living in my kitchen. tank isn't heated right now but i do have a spare 150w to throw in.  If i took the two sterbai out i'd probably add a few ottos too.
Sterbai Cory should be in a school (at least 6) and the school would need to be in at least a 20 gallon tank. Also, Bettas are very individual, some accept tank mates, others will attack everything!
No matter where i go these sterbai aren't going to have a perfect home, they'll be "donated" to the local store where they have no population probably sold off at a discount quickly to someone unknowledgable and unsuspecting I'd find another few but these two were bought when i just got interested in corys and i can't find anymore like them. Atleast i can give them a home where their diet and water parameters are correct. But if you seriously think they'd be better off donated then living with a betta i'll go either way i know they probably aren't needed in the 40g
If you care so much you can put them in your 40 gallon, theyd be better of in there and as long as thats the final stock it would be fine, but no reason you should put them in a small tank.
I'll change plans then. i'll keep them stocked until I find a suitable store that has atleast 5-7 in stock so they can hopefully be bought with a decent school, then once that happens i'll get the ottos or nerite snail and some rasboras to add to the pack.
Regardless of how much algae you have an what algae eating fish you have, you still need to give them algae/vege wafers. Algae does not provide all of the nutrients the fish need so you still have to give them algae/vege wafers.
Will do the Cory's are flourishing on Cory pellets and whatever Alegae they scavenge on their own. But I will feed Alegae too how much pellets/wafers/flake do you give daily I usually give the 7 Cory's a few pellets maybe 4 or 5 cause the rams want a taste usually plus a good pinch or two small pinches of flake I feed once a day and skip days occasionally
I was talking more about the Otocinclus/snails but Corys can still have algae/vege wafers.
Just give enough food that they can eat in about 1-2 minutes.
In my area there is a facebook aquatic club where people often swap, sell or give away fish. If you have something like that in your area maybe you could find someone who already has a school of sterbais and would be interested taking them off your hands. I don't mean to offend you, I know from my own experience that it can be difficult to find a good solution for your fish when things have changed, that's why it is great to talk to people like here on the Forum to see if there are any ideas or options one hasn't thought of yet! :)
Your tank looks lovely!
I put in 1 shrimp pellet for each cory and an algae wafer twice a week, if that helps any? :)
I'd just get snails rather than the otos, and add more harlequins. I really love my snails though..
Is your betta being kept in a proper tank? Definitely get him a heater, although not sure if 150w is overdoing it or not. They need to be kept at 78-82.
Also agreed that you should just hold onto the sterbai and wait til a store gets them in stock.
Although in the mean time you can maybe post something on craigslist to see if any one needs two more, as well as Meeresstille's idea c:
Its adjustable yes the bettas tank is big for a betta atleast 10g standard rectagular glass has a whipser 10 filter and the heater is a adjustable one so i can drop the heat as needed right now its warm enough here in CA that i havent been heating his water.
On to something else. One of the sterbai died today, it was facing straight up in a wood cave don't know if he got stuck or bit or what. It looked like something was up the the smaller fin on his top side thats closer to the tale no signs of ich or any bloating. I took pics of a water test i did right after. I use RO water at 7.0ph for water changes cause the tap i set up my tank with was horrible 350 overall ppm on a tds meter super alkaline ph like 8.0 I didn't have any good tools for water testing until this last month. Now the ppm is just above the 100ppm on the tds which is still hard but i'm weekly water changes to get it down. Here's the pics of test results shows me having a ph in the mid 7 range and good levels otherwise.Test1.JPGTest2.JPG
Sorry for your loss :(
It sucks but that was one of the corys that would be getting donated they didn't look amazing healthy to begin with came from petco. does that water test look good to you guys? I haven't been doing them long but i think those shades are 0ppm

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