Big fish make a big tank look small. Nano fish in a big tank make it look like a real stream. Why waste a good, large tank on big fish? Nano is the way to go. It can be spectacular.
Haha. Ok. That's plenty of reassurence. I'll go for a metric ton of small species with maybe a centre piece. A dwarf gourami or Betta. Maybe even a small trio of angels
But first I need to clean it
Don't put 100 in a 4 ft tank. Have 20-30 and let them breed. It's much more interesting watching a group of fish breeding and increasing their population rather than just watching one big group.So rule of thumb is what 1cm per litre so if I ignore the sump. Just galaxy rasbora 2cm adult size. That would be like 200. So I reckon 100 fish would be easy do able
+1 on thatOr skip the whole centerpiece idea and just have big schools of smaller fish.