400g Update And Newcomer

Nice tank there, I am surprised you opted for gravel over sand with all those rays but it still looks ace :)
Nice looking fish, are the birchirs at risk from the rays? On swome shots the rays look huge, but then on the over all view of the tank you see the fish all fit in there nicely and look kind of smaller than first thought.
Very nice fish and I didnt think your gar looked too bad for a `straight from the store`, like you say, they are always thin there because nobody bothers to see they get food properly.

Our gars love prawn in the shell.
The birchirs are fine with the rays at first they chewed one of the birchirs tail a bit but all that stopped. If anyting it will be the rays at risk from them as the all get bigger as some birchirs have been known to bite the rays disk. But then again alot of people keep the 2 together successfully so as they have grown up together fingers crossed. The big female ray is about a 12" disk now the other rays are still quiet small at about 6" for the motoro and 8" for the yepezi. As for the fish the arowana is 13" and big bass is 12" ckf is 10" but they do get dwarfed by the tank when I tank full tank shots from a distance.

Nice tank there, I am surprised you opted for gravel over sand with all those rays but it still looks ace :)
Rays are fine with small smooth gravel or sand there is no problem keeping them in either but its all down to taste. With sand they are constantly covered in sand so cant see them very well. With the gravel they can still bury and they dont get covered but dont get this gravel confused with normlal gravel its 1-3mm gravel so very small and hard to find.
Nice to see your tank is doing well mate.

if you check my sig you'll see what i've got in mine now i just need to get some decent pics and i'll put them up hopefully friday or saturday.

might buy myself a BGK friday.
holy WOW! how about some plants or somthing? :D

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