40 Gallon Tall Tank, Finally Good...


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Dec 20, 2006
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after a visit to my local petsmart 3 months ago, i have finally finished setting up my 40 gallon tall tank. with a twin powered bio wheel filter with an under ground filtration setup to boot. I have a huge assortment of fish, that, amazingly get along great, lol, a little mixed. i keep 20 feeder guppies in my tank to keep my 2 south american leaf fish happy, which thrive in my live plant and fake plant assortment, also i have a tiger pleco, i forget the name, but it is a large shrimp, 2 silver dollars, 2 giant danios, 3 lemon tetras, drift wood, bumble bee cat, 2 chinese algae eaters, 1 peppered cory, zebra and leapard danio, 3 long fin tetras, 2 lamp eye tetras, one scissortail, and atleast 5 or 6 more i am forgetting. i have had my leaf fish for a while, they never bother any fish, but...they did eat my school of 5 cardinals a month ago lol, but, i decided i like the leaf fish more, so i kept them. but, every other fish is too big for them to eat. plus, with 20 or more guppies at any given time and atleats 12 ghost shrimp, they keep from even thinking of trying to eat bigger fish. i love having a community tank in harmony and can spend hours watching them, what do you guys think. thanks. i also have a 3.5 inch clown loach.
Well, let's be honest here. I think you need to re-home the clown loach, they like to be in groups of 3+ preferably 5. And you don't have room for that many clown loaches. So, rehoming seems to be the best idea.
As for the cory - he also likes to be in groups of 6 or so. I would highly recommend getting at least 2 more, but the more the better! He is probably very lonely on the bottom of your tank.
I also think you need to up your number of tetras - at least 6 of each kind. These are schooling fish and enjoy there own company. Now, you can't really do that without being over stocked so maybe you should pick your favorite two and up those groups to 6 then re-home the others. There is a good chance your leaf fish will get the urge to eat more of your fish - just keep that in mind.
Again, this is just my personal opinion, but I think you could switch things around a little bit and still be happy. hope this helps!
yeah, your right, i think the leaf fish should be content with the gi\uppies and ghost shrimp, hopefully, and i should get more tetras, i try to keep them in schools of 3 atleast. i just think leaf fish are the neatest fish.. my clown loach thinks he is a tetra , he bothers them , he seems happy and has bright colors. lol, mike
tbh i would say you are overstocked, I would reiterate what breeze said to you about getting rid of alot of the tetra and increases the numbers of 3 of your favourites, getting rid of the clown loach and adding another 4 or 5 cories.

I would also add that your chinese algae eaters will turn into big bullies and will fight each other as well as probably killing some of your tetra.

can I ask if the leaf fish are only fed on feeder fish/shrimp?


yes, and they will only eat the live shrimp or guppies, neat fish, just a little work to keep them happy. but, on the other hand, the african spotted cnteupania, or, well, i dont quite know how to spell the last part of the scientific name, but, they are also in the leaf fish family i have been told, and, they are not shy what sp ever, and eat flakes, crumbles and live fish. much easier to maintain, i hAd one but he got too big and ate too many fish, so, i got these leaf fish, very docile, timid fish, who dont seem to bother any other fish. i would change my tank, but it has been running strong for 3 months, every fish is happy and, if i ever saw or see any of them getting down and out i might change it a little, but they seem to have all accepted each other and formed a big school. they school togehter like they were all the same species. although the giant danios like to keep the top of the tank to themselves lol, but, it is a very tall tank, so, they have the room too.. mike ps, i have tried bloodworms, crumbles, and frozen shrimp for the leaf fish with no luck. mike

in response, i have a 40 gallon tank, and my mistake these are not chinese algae eaters, honestly i forget their name, they are just peach colores, long in shape, and are not aggressive to anything. hey, what do you guys think of butterfly sucker fish?
yes, and they will only eat the live shrimp or guppies, neat fish, just a little work to keep them happy. but, on the other hand, the african spotted cnteupania, or, well, i dont quite know how to spell the last part of the scientific name, but, they are also in the leaf fish family i have been told, and, they are not shy what sp ever, and eat flakes, crumbles and live fish. much easier to maintain, i hAd one but he got too big and ate too many fish, so, i got these leaf fish, very docile, timid fish, who dont seem to bother any other fish. i would change my tank, but it has been running strong for 3 months, every fish is happy and, if i ever saw or see any of them getting down and out i might change it a little, but they seem to have all accepted each other and formed a big school. they school togehter like they were all the same species. although the giant danios like to keep the top of the tank to themselves lol, but, it is a very tall tank, so, they have the room too.. mike ps, i have tried bloodworms, crumbles, and frozen shrimp for the leaf fish with no luck. mike

in response, i have a 40 gallon tank, and my mistake these are not chinese algae eaters, honestly i forget their name, they are just peach colores, long in shape, and are not aggressive to anything. hey, what do you guys think of butterfly sucker fish?
i have been doing this for over 15 years, keeping succesful tanks, sometimes i mix community with semi aggressive, i have over the years learned you can keep some semi aggressive together, i have learned that keeping a tank very well fed reduces stress by aggression. I love keeping a fish tank and can watch them for hours. leaf fish are very neat to watch eat. i also keep zucchinni in my tank at all times, the plecos, sharks and many other fish including some tetras love it.

why would i rehome a clown loach who ua hvae had for 3 months by himself, he has never by fish behavior seemed to be deressed in any manner.
what do you mean by butterfly suckerfish? It could mean alot tbh.

the only reason i was asking about the feeder fish is that i have read that fish can contract diseases from them and that they are also low in nutrients. have you tried other live foods?

The reason about the cloan loach is that it'll grom too big and it will only show its natural behaviour in groups of the same species.

the "chinese algae eaters" come in a peachy form as well as a natural coloured form. They'll probably be fine just now, but it's when they become mature that they'll get very aggressive.


butterfly suckerfish could be a hong kong plec or the hillstream loach?
well, i am heading to the pet store right now to see what they are calling a butterfly sucker, also i will get the scientific name to draw out any conclusions, that way we can be on the same page in different parts of the world. so, should i pick up anoither clown loach while i am out? you are true , they can contract some diseases and sometimes can be mal nutritioned. on the same page, this is all they eat in the wild... i will try to get them to eat frozen nutrient packed blood worms, but it isnt thier style to eat food in this manner, nor have i had any luck. mike
your 10gallon with 2 neons they should be kept in a group as there a schooling fish :good:
for breeze

Do as I say, not as I do!!! :lol:

These are 2 left out of the 6 I had. It's not a species I care to keep anymore so I opted not to up the numbers. Not very nice, I know but they seem to do okay. The first 4 went so quick I figured these guys weren't far behind - - of course, that was months ago!

MHills - I would NOT get another clown for him. They will both end up being to big for your aquarium. I would take him back and get a few loaches more suited to your smaller aquarium - possibly yoyos, Khuli's, or get 4 or 5 more cories instead! :nod:
well, i dont think i will get more, but i am definately not geting rid of him until he outgrows my tank, i will addo ne more cory cat, and acouple more tetras to make sure they each have a group of atleast 3. im going though, be back, def going to get more live plants, make the tank neATER and more nitrate efficient lol. mike

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