40 gal convict tank

PetsPlus got pretty bad for a while the good guy who normally ran the tanks and kept them healthy left. Every tank had clown loaches in them and every tank had ICH.. Then recently the good guy came back, all the tanks were healthy again so.. Heh, appearently without him the tanks suck..

I was going to buy convicts from the PetsMart near the moorestown mall but quite a few of them were dead, so I ended up getting them from the PetsMart in Mt. Laurel..

Here's a pic of the entire tank.. I was going for the fun tank look..

Ahh i was wondering why petsplus got so bad. I think its Drew that keeps them good. the guy frank sucked :p

Petsmart near moorsetown isnt the greatest. their cichlid selection always is sick for some reason.

the petsmart in cherry hill, actually has breeding pairs of cichlids, and is rearing babies in their tanks. so i take that as a good sign, lol. i havent been to the one in mt laurel how is it?

i like the full tank pic btw :thumbs:
I'll be adding a cave to the tank along withe the pottery and move the rocks. Currently it's sitting at my neighbors house because they picked it up while we were on vacation. Thanks for all your compliments. :)

As a side not the convict who was beaten up is healing really well, he still has tattered fins but the sores on his side are just about gone, which is excellent news. :p

Got quite a few pics and a ton of movies at the Baltimore Aquarium today, side trip when we were coming back home.. It was cool to see some of this they had in stores in huge tanks hehe.. Not to mention some of the huge ones. :)

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