4 rainbow sharks

Better safe than sorry when it comes to used tanks. How much did he want for it??...If its dirt cheap then you could always buy it up and test it to look for leaks...ans most leaks on tanks can be fixed quite easily.

So that means you have 4 in a 29gal still?? We'll until you can get a bigger tank for them i'll keep my fingers crossed for you :p

me too. I'm looking and I think I found a 65 that might work but I haven't been able to contact the owner yet. I hope I find something soon, They're gonna be getting aggressive soon. If I can't find anything that will work then I'll just have to sell them or donate them to an lps. :byebye:
Good luck getting a tank....You have rainbow sharks so thats a bonus for you. I couldn't possibly imagine taking my RTB and multiplying that by four. He truly is a S.O.B and wouldn't tolerate anything remotely shark like in his tank.

Again good luck! ;)

surprisingly they don't mess with anything else in the tank. i've actually seen them cleaning the gourami's from time to time. I assume it's cleaning because the gourami's don't even react when they do it. They are GREAT fish. They just shouldn't be sold into small tanks as a group.

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