4 goldfish, 1 rather large pleco


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Medford New Jersey
Hi. I have my aunt who lives in a house with her friend, my mom, and my little sister.

This is not my aquarium, but I just wanna know this.

My aunts friend has a 10 gallon tank and it consists of 2 small goldfish and a pleco. It all seemed to work out. however, my little sister went to a carnival with my mom and she won 2 more goldfish at one of those carnaval goldfish games. Of course, where did the 2 other goldfish go? In the 10 gallon! O.k, so I saw the tank about 3 days after the extra goldfish joined it. It seemed fine.

However, I know very well that 4 goldfish alone doesn't work in a 10 gallon. Is this gonna eventually ruin the tank water and kill the fish? Can something still be done? I ask this because I feel I can do something to convince her to get rid of the 2 extra goldfish. Unfortunantly, there is a goldfish bowl case in Paris but I cannot do anything about it.

also, while I am at the subject, Can someone give me a colorful combination that I can stick in my 10 gallon? Here is what I want.

-Cheap fish (for cheap people like me)
-Neon tetras
-at least 3 different types
-easy to take care of
-no bettas

My aquarium is cycled and ready to go
1 Goldfish = 20g tank
2 Goldfish = 30g tank
3 Goldfish = 40g tank
4 Goldfish = 50g tank

Add a plec onto that as well :crazy:

As mention before goldfish are extremely messy fish and need lots of filtration. They will run out of room in that 10g pretty fast and unfortunately will die early. The reason for this is that the goldfish will only grow to the size allowed by the tank and other inhabitants. The problem is that their insides don't stop growing and this is what causes illness, etc.

The best idea would be to move the golfish to someones pond and re-stock the 10g with some small community fish.

Yes, the pond is a good idea. They are also pretty cheap too :) Goldfish do not go well in a small 10gal... anyway goldfish are huge water produces so if you leave them in the 10gal the ammonia levels will go real high.
It is a standard V6 pleco. I would say it is about 4 or 5 inches long. 2 goldfish are....their those round ones. 1 goldfish is a fantail and the last goldfish is a black moore. The black moore and the fantail were the ones from the carnival. She doesn't know anyone with a pond and she lives right in the city where she can't get one.

Also, does anyone know of a colorful community for my now cycled tank? Thanks! Mine is also a 10 gallon.
njtransit21 said:
It is a standard V6 pleco. I would say it is about 4 or 5 inches long. 2 goldfish are....their those round ones. 1 goldfish is a fantail and the last goldfish is a black moore. The black moore and the fantail were the ones from the carnival. She doesn't know anyone with a pond and she lives right in the city where she can't get one.

Also, does anyone know of a colorful community for my now cycled tank? Thanks! Mine is also a 10 gallon.
Tetra's, Sword Tails, Guppys, Platys.

Have a look at them in your lfs, there are lots of different sorts but im sure you can find some nice fish out of those 4 types.
Danios are good fsh, very hardy and very active, they're are best kept in groups of five or more, it lowers aggression. they need a fairly wide tank though, because they are such active swimmers.


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