4 dead fish at the same time same species HELP!!’

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I’m no expert but could the carbon in the filter be keeping the badness inside the filter with just a little bit entering and leaving the filter constantly? I know carbon soaks up medicine maybe it’s doing the same to the “problem” stuff?
Were the fish in QT before adding in early oct?
I’m no expert but could the carbon in the filter be keeping the badness inside the filter with just a little bit entering and leaving the filter constantly? I know carbon soaks up medicine maybe it’s doing the same to the “problem” stuff?
Were the fish in QT before adding in early oct?

I’ve just removed the carbon from the filter so if it is leaking back that cures that and also if I do have to treat the tank it’s already out. 75% water change done.
Will see how things go.
what surprising me is the smallest fish in the tank is still going.

no it’s my only tank setup at the moment
A quick update.
Tonight there has been no losses but the remaining fish still haven’t fed.
testing results tonight using 2 test kits. API FRESH WATER MASTER TEST KIT
PH 7.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5

PH 6.5
Ammonia 0
Nitrite .5
Nitrate 5
KH 2 (35.6ppm)
GH 6 (106.8ppm)

temp 26c
Water has gone cloudy again
NT LABS AQUARIUM LAB TEST KIT must be from the United Kingdom, because every where I look for it says UK. I hope it all gets better for you, I know how it feels to lose fish.
NT LABS AQUARIUM LAB TEST KIT must be from the United Kingdom, because every where I look for it says UK. I hope it all gets better for you, I know how it feels to lose fish.

yeah I’m the Uk and had it as a free item with my setup. I’m hoping the nitrite is on the inaccurate side and no change in colour at all with API. I used API years ago so I have more trust in it plus it’s not just a Uk thing, but that a personal preference.

it really sucks, the neons and cardinals brought so much colour to the tank and now with mainly nocturnal fish it looks empty. Will leave it a week and then stock up again and get my bigger tank through a cycle.
I once tried neons, and your right they add a lot of color, but alas they all died on me. They also infected my old aquarium with a bad case of ick. I might try them again someday but for now I went with Red Eyed Tetras, they seem to be very hardy.
I once tried neons, and your right they add a lot of color, but alas they all died on me. They also infected my old aquarium with a bad case of ick. I might try them again someday but for now I went with Red Eyed Tetras, they seem to be very hardy.

I think from memory I had problems with neons before, half died then my dumb idea of getting a green spotted puffer ( I was told by the LFS it would be fine)put an end to the remaining 11 along with my mollies.

I’m looking at Congo tetras and blue tetras at the moment Congo’s to go in my bigger tank eventually.
Under certain conditions inexpensive nitrite test kits can be inaccurate. The cloudy water means 100% this us a water quality issue. The NT kit is a good one so trust the result - your problem is excess nitrite! The symptoms are also consistent with this, so your rank is not properly cycled. I doubt that the carbon sponge will yet have had enough in it to be leaching back and removing it will have removed some of the bacteria and potentially will have set the filter back and made things worse.
At 0.5 you need to do an immediate water change of 50% to dilute the nitrite. Make sure you use a good dechlorinator to avoid damaging the filter with the fresh water, and also use one that will condition the water as this will remove ammonia and thus reduce nitrite. Boost the filter by adding a quick start bacteria culture and feed the bare minimum for a few days. Don't add more fish until things have stabilised and then only a few at a time, allowing a week or so at least so that the filter can catch up with the increased load each time you add more stock.
use one that will condition the water as this will remove ammonia
Water conditioners don't remove ammonia. They convert it to a non-toxic form for around 24 hours, and the filter bacteria can still convert it into nitrte during the 'detoxified' period. Only things like zeolite can remove ammonia.

These water conditioners were designed for use where tap water contains chloramine. They split the chloramine into chlorine and ammonia, remove the chlorine and make the ammonia part 'safe' until the filter bacteria have time to remove it.
Had nitrites rise to .5 last week so been every day 50% till Thursday when levels zeroed out. Did a 70% dump this morning incase of toxins in the water, all levels was the same as tonight.
before cleaning I wash my hands with antibacterial hand wash and hot water, dry, wash with hot water (no soap),dry then clean the tank.
The big question is how long have you left the light on? How big is the pleco and the clown loach? How big is the tank?
My sympathies for your loss of fish. I hope the measures you’re taking solve the problem. I do agree that chemicals should be a last resort. When I kept fish as a kid (a billion years ago) I always had neons with no problems. Since I jumped back into fish keeping about a year ago, I have killed at least a dozen of them. One batch died just from a 30% water change. And I have heard that Cardinals are even more delicate. I can recommend harlequin rasboras. My small shoal of them has survived and thrived through it all. They are pretty, colorful and quite active. Have you considered putting one male betta in your community tank? Lots of color! Good luck!
Nope no signs of anything like that.
a few days ago I posted that the water had white bits in it, that’s gone now although slightly cloudy (white).

nothing new added since 8th October.
Do you use floss as a filtering agent and don't have it in a bag once I did that myself I had put it in a hang in the back filter packed it down good but bits of it got into the Impaler and turn the tank cloudy white with bits floating in it those can clog the gills of your fish and they suffocate if all your other parameters are right that's the only thing I can think of other than a outbreak of bacteria maybe add salt if you don't have a plants in your tank
i polished around the unit last weekend like every weekend but not spraying it only with what’s on the cloth.
clean my hands twice, once with antibacterial soap then just with hot water after.
Not noticed any gulping on the surface
Air stone on when lights are on off when lights off, filter outlet agitating the surface
One thing I've learned never ever use antibacterial soap to wash your hands before you put them in your tank even if you do rinse your hands twice the residue is still on it the best thing is 2 wash your hands and rubbing alcohol let it evaporate off real good and then rinse with clean water that'll take all your oils any lotions any soaps that you have on your skin off of it
A quick update.
Tonight there has been no losses but the remaining fish still haven’t fed.
testing results tonight using 2 test kits. API FRESH WATER MASTER TEST KIT
PH 7.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5

PH 6.5
Ammonia 0
Nitrite .5
Nitrate 5
KH 2 (35.6ppm)
GH 6 (106.8ppm)

temp 26c
Water has gone cloudy again

After 2, 70% water changes your nitrites and nitrates should be 0. I would suggest removing 50% water. Check the entire tank for any dead fish that could have been hiding... then refill using store bought distilled water to rule out your tap. Test the water before it goes in the tank too, that way you can measure a change against those results. Lastly, I would add some sort of resin in your filter. Either zeolite or Purigen should help. Just my 2cents, good luck.
I will add my two cents.. it probably has nothing to due to your deaths, but both neons and cardinals desire VERY soft water that is acidic.. where the other critters you have are more accepting of hard water..
Not sure if it's to cold there, but try to throw in live food for your fish.. if you can grow some mosquito larva. Your fish will love you for the tasty morsels..

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