4 day old fry

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cutecotton said:
oh god, this is so completely retarded, betta_lova you were the one that said you didnt' want this to turn itno a flame thread but you are encouraging it. If you dont' want this to be locked i suggest you calm down and dotn' take everythign so personally.

As for your situation, i'm guessing the fry are older now, you should be doing changes using an airline syphon at least once a day. I change dmy fry's water twice a day until they were 3 week sold, and then i gradually switched them to once a day water changes.

They will also need to be fed some kind of food, bbs is great but make sure you don't put in any eggs or shells, seeing as you dont' have your mw ready (really should hav eit btw), you could try getting some hikari first bitse for them (though i doubt they'd really eat it too much).

Remember, fry growth in teh first few weeks are ESSENTIAL to how they turn out. If you're not ready to feed them 3 or 4 times a day with daily water changes and a LOT of patience, you're gonig to run into problems.

And with such a large spawn (just ask wuv about her current 200+ spawn) you'll need extra hatcheries and LOTS of live food to fall back on.
Lol Dont worry cc! You know those needles? I pull the needle out, suck the bbs in, wash em then put em in with the fry
lol that way im sure there arent any shells and stuff :) and yes this is getting retarded! I AM retarted! ahhhhhhhh okay lets get back to topic (they seriously need to make a ignore button for posting as well as chat)
so what size tank are they in now? how many times a day are you feeding them and how often do you do water changes?

i know silly rolln can get away with further apart water changes, but only becuase he has that darn power filter :lol: i only have a sponge filter in my raising tanks so i decided to change the water twice a day, and they grew fast!
cutecotton said:
so what size tank are they in now? how many times a day are you feeding them and how often do you do water changes?

i know silly rolln can get away with further apart water changes, but only becuase he has that darn power filter :lol: i only have a sponge filter in my raising tanks so i decided to change the water twice a day, and they grew fast!
*hugs cc* you are so mature! Lol the daddy and mommy were in a 5g b4 they spawned but it wasnt working out so i moved em into a 10g i though 5g was better cuz dad can see mom more..... they're only 2 days old cc! lol! youre scaring me! So they should be eating bbs n stuff around now...... since infusiora should be outgrown by now.... *hugscc again* thanks for bringing things back to order! I kinda feel sorry for your bf now...... i dun wanna know what he has to go through when you're mad cc....... LOL no offense of course
oh children...

how old does it have to get before you give up..

''leck or whatever your name is today''

if you had 1/2 a brain youd remember that it was resolved about a month ago..

i guess i shouldnt expect so much from you ppl...

good luck with your imaginary fry !
Pulease! You're just jealous! and like aura said.... "why does all the threads you post in turn out in a argument"
well just to remind everyone Beta_lova bought some from a store(BKK sold to), it was CTs, I do remember that , so he does have other CTs according to his other posts. Now back to the Bettas please :huh:
jealous of ?

...i simply state what i think.. and most of you ppl disagree...

i dont start the arguement..

i state what i think, its you ppl that argue with what i say
rollntider said:
well just to remind everyone Beta_lova bought some from a store(BKK sold to), it was CTs, I do remember that , so he does have other CTs according to his other posts. Now back to the Bettas please :huh:
THANK YOU! And if you dont believe me, I can explain in every little detail about how I saw my fry develope in their egg how the became free swimmin and everything
Okay, let's give up this fight and start being nice to leck.....she is obviously a little tense today and we need to be a little more careful with her. :crazy:
freshmike said:
Okay, let's give up this fight and start being nice to leck.....she is obviously a little tense today and we need to be a little more careful with her. :crazy:
Yes lets be nice to her! I mean him lol fm leck's a guy!
betta_lova said:
freshmike said:
Okay, let's give up this fight and start being nice to leck.....she is obviously a little tense today and we need to be a little more careful with her. :crazy:
Yes lets be nice to her! I mean him lol fm leck's a guy!
No she's not. :rolleyes:
I was confused about the 2 day 4 day thing so I questioned you, but I believe you :p

Good luck with your fry. :thumbs:
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