i have for sale the following
1 Male Microgeophagus ramirezi Long finned, his fins really a fantastic and will be sorry to see him go (if he'd go in my tang tank i'd keep him).
4 5 banded barbs, these are still young, 2cm
6 pygmy corries
2 shell dwelling brevis (think they maybe both male), these are a couple of inches in size. £14 for the pair or £8 each (ono)
i would also be interested in swapping for either juli transcriptus or punks (could be juviniles as long as there is enough)
i'm only selling the non tang fish because i'm wanting to break down my planted tank and make it marine.
offers welcome on all other fish welcome.
i will try and gets pics asap.
1 Male Microgeophagus ramirezi Long finned, his fins really a fantastic and will be sorry to see him go (if he'd go in my tang tank i'd keep him).
4 5 banded barbs, these are still young, 2cm
6 pygmy corries
2 shell dwelling brevis (think they maybe both male), these are a couple of inches in size. £14 for the pair or £8 each (ono)
i would also be interested in swapping for either juli transcriptus or punks (could be juviniles as long as there is enough)
i'm only selling the non tang fish because i'm wanting to break down my planted tank and make it marine.
offers welcome on all other fish welcome.
i will try and gets pics asap.