380L Malawi Setup

SWEET, very nice, can't believe how quickly you have got this together and all organised, looking good, looking forward to seeing the fish in there :good:
ah i get it , i get the blame now eh? :lol: well if my irrisponsible actions have forced you into a position whereby you have no choice but to play the new tank game just to please hubby i guess i should really appologise .............but i wont il just be on your case for piccies :lol:

No it`s my stupid fault for showing hubby your pics in the first place :grr: :lol: :lol:

Oh I just worked it out :hyper:

You didn't want to waste all the over brought B&Q drainage ( :blush: I mean Egg Crating) so you went out a got a £000's worth of extra tank just to save face! :shifty: BUSTED!!! :p

:lol: :lol:

I wish I could use that as an excuse doresy but I had already returned the excess drain grids so had to buy some more anyway :rolleyes: :lol: Mind you it`s not all bad because hubby has paid for everything for this tank seeing as it was his decision to buy it, whereas I have actually paid out a lot on the Tang tank. Even though the maintenance of all tanks will be done by me I can`t complain because hubby was happy for me to have the Tangs and I wouldn`t swap them for anything :wub: :wub:

SWEET, very nice, can't believe how quickly you have got this together and all organised, looking good, looking forward to seeing the fish in there :good:

The fish may be ordered on Monday and delivered here on Wednesday. Bless him, hubby keeps asking if it`s ok to order them today or tomorrow even though they won`t be here any sooner than Tuesday at the earliest. He`s like a kid at Christmas :lol: :lol:
lol he sounds more excited than you!!!! any time i mention a 2nd tank to the missus she flips and says im bad enough with just 1 :lol: have you finalised your stocking?
I was gobsmacked when we went to MA and hubby started talking to one of the lads there about sizes and prices of the tanks. The lad looked at me as though to ask if hubby had lost the plot, I just told him to go with it :lol: Next thing I know, we go over there the following weekend and it`s decided by hubby that he wants another tank for the Malawi and not another tank for the Tangs I`d been offered :crazy:

Anyway, stocking is confirmed, order will be done either tomorrow evening or Monday morning. I`ll get pics once they arrive this week :ninja: :ninja: :p
Tank is all done, I have to admit to having bought 4 petricola when at MA yesterday so with the other 6 I saw previously there will be 10 in this Malawi tank. I haven`t stopped giggling at the petricola yet, they`re really funny zipping around all over the place. I think they`re going to wonder what`s happened to all their space when the new fish arrive :lol: :lol:

We had a proper nightmare with the light controller unit, I bought the wrong size/wattage and neither of us realised until hubby went to fit it this morning, so we had to go over to MA again this morning to buy another one. Luckily the seller on ebay will refund hubby for the first one though :blush: :lol:
I really need to get another background on the tank, this one was put on with cooking oil or something and it seems impossible to get the air bubbles out. I`ll have to give the back of the tank a good wash then replace the background with a plain blue one.


love it , that background creates quite an effect , it makes it look like the tank gos on for ever . those poor little synos aint gonna know whats hit em :lol:
Hmm, I like the background but it came with the tank and it had been on display so it was put on with some oil kind of stuff. I just can`t get all of the air bubbles out of it and it`s driving me mad! :crazy:
I might see if I can give it a good wash with some hot, soapy water and then attach it with cellotape instead, if not then I`ll replace it with the black/blue double sided background :unsure:

Fish have now been ordered and paid for so providing all goes ok I will probably have them on Tuesday/Wednesday.
1 pair Aulonocara Malauna
1 pair Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Eureka Colour Select
1 pair Aulonocara Sunset
4X Usisya 2m 2f
4X Hap sp.44 2m 2f
5X Labidochromis Caeruleus (yellow labs)
4X Pseudotropheus Elongatus Neon Spot
:) :) :)
is the bubbling really that bad? cant tell from the pic . it would be a shame to spoil it , thats gotta be 1 of the best backgrounds ive seen , i love the way it makes the tank look like it gos back forever . i see you went with the neon spots in the end . i would of found that a tough choice too , those redtops are lovely , i may eveb add a few myself at some point . are the usisya youre getting adults or are they juveniles like mine?
Hmm, I like the background but it came with the tank and it had been on display so it was put on with some oil kind of stuff. I just can`t get all of the air bubbles out of it and it`s driving me mad! :crazy:

its probably seaview background glue its stuck on with, i bought some and its crappy oil stuff that dosnt work very well. i got all the bubbles out mine with a credit card and left it for days but still bubbles have come back.
is the bubbling really that bad? cant tell from the pic . it would be a shame to spoil it , thats gotta be 1 of the best backgrounds ive seen , i love the way it makes the tank look like it gos back forever . i see you went with the neon spots in the end . i would of found that a tough choice too , those redtops are lovely , i may eveb add a few myself at some point . are the usisya youre getting adults or are they juveniles like mine?

The bubbles are just really annoying, might be better once it`s cleaned and stuck on with tape like the Tang one.

The usisya I`ve ordered are 4-5cm, the only size on the list. The haps are the 5-7cm ones :)

its probably seaview background glue its stuck on with, i bought some and its crappy oil stuff that dosnt work very well. i got all the bubbles out mine with a credit card and left it for days but still bubbles have come back.

It`s horrible stuff, hubby has tried it with a rigid squeegy but there are still little bubbles and it looks horrible :grr:
bummer i was hoping youd have mature ones so you could tease me with some pics. mine are the same size .

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