Fish Crazy
Hi, I am putting this out there for input. This is my 36 gallon glass bowfront. It has been set up just over a year.
8 cherry barbs (1 born in tank)
4 neon tetra
5 harlequin rasbora
6 endlers (5 of these are juveniles)
2 or 3 mystery snails
2 tiger nerite snails
1 Hillstream loach (add to things my LFS told me)
1 otocinclus
Water sprite
Guppy grass
Jungle Val
Lilaeopsis novaezelandiae
Substrate eco-complete
Water parameters: temp 78, pH 6.24
carbonate (KH) 40 mg/L, alkalinity (TAL) 60 mg/L, hardness (GH) 300 mg/L, Cl 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, NH3 0.
Water treatment: Fritz Pro ACCR
Kordon’s pH Increase 2 capfuls (10 ml) with water changes (when I remember and pH is below 6.5, so about every 2nd to 3rd water change.
I previously used no name fertilizer capsules but yesterday changed to Flourish tabs next to the roots.
Lighting: Current programmable LED on 7 hours a day, 15 minute sunrise/sunset.
Filtration: SunSun 303b
Coodia UV filter (added today as back up filtration before upcoming vacation)
Aeration: HDOM ac/dc air pump
Maintenance: 30-40% water change every 5-7 days with substrate vac.
Feeding schedule: auto feeder 3x daily with Tetra min tropical granules. Fluval Bug Bites once every couple weeks. Dried daphnia or dried bloodworms about monthly. Wonder Shell every month for the snails.
I have other tanks in a screened room with water temps 78-82 in the summer. If someone has to leave, they would have to go there or outside. (Spouse’s rules, no more tanks in the house.
- I probably don’t have the desired rapid flow for the Hillstream loach. Got him from the LFS who (wrongly) told me it needs nothing special or different from the endlers, and he had it in a 5 gallon tank with endlers. I like them and forgot why I had decided this species was a bad idea. Thought of taking it back because this is not the best environment for it, (space, limited water flow, and only having 1) but thought it would have a worse outcome ending up in someone’s 5 gallon nano tank since the owner of the shop didn’t know any better.
- I should probably decide whether to keep fighting the pH (I can keep it around 6.5 to 7 if I maintain using the pH increase with water changes) or take out all snails and let it be a stable 6-6.2, where this tank wants to be, or change to cichlid substrate which I’m not sure I want to do.
- The neon terra could use at least 1 more, as could the harlequin rasboras, but I’m hoping they might reproduce and just one egg make it (dare I hope?)