35G Saltwater Reef Journal

The clownfish will be fine. I had 2 eels and a clownfish in one of my tanks. as long as I have a anemone for the clown to host he will be fine. and also im dealing with small eels not fully grown ones.

Just reporting to let yall know the damsel looks very healthy and actively swimming around but he tends to like to hide in the rock work if you approach the tank suddenly. I may have built to many caves haha. the fishies will never wanna come out.
I'll be keeping up with this journal, and will be interested in seeing what happens.

Is that a pic with all the lights on including the moon light? Looks rather blue to me.

It looks blue due to the camera and thanks for the interest everyone, im super excited about it. Brings back memories. I dont think I should put a tang in tho =( they are my fav fish.

In real life the main light is clear.
I think that's why he opted for a damsel and not a $100 blue spot jawfish. :)


I didn't mean that - it was the clownfish mentioned later that I was talking about.

Haha, I didn't see the part about the clown.

To be honest i'm a drug addict and alcoholic in recovery and life is what made me get rid of them. But now i'm 6 months sober and making a comeback with the fishies.

That is very honest of you...congratulations on your 6 months. I am sure that getting back into fishkeeping will help with your recovery. I know it has helped me through some tough times in my life.

Yeah, wow. Glad you are on the road to recovery. :)
Picture of marty, I let my baby sister name him and she tried to feed him as you can see from the countless pellets on the ground.

Everything still looking good except for the nitrites. They seem to have risen a bit more. Gonna visit the lfs tomorrow and get something to counter it along with a ph buffer.

Nitrite spike is almost finished. Nitrates are starting to rise. Expecting cycling to be finished in 3-4 days.


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I put that many in one time due to wet fingers. Thought I had a lot less than I did. The shrimp and CUC were quite happy to eat them. The fish only like them when they are floating.

I'm basically bursting with excitement for my tank. I merely went to the store to pick up a new siphon hose as mine is retired from old age. RIP 10 years. Also to pick up a PH buffer. PH is a tad bit low and lifting cover isnt an option if I plan to have an eel. The damsel isn't eating due to being a grouping fish ,yet its single in my tank so I picked up 2 more damsels. I realize its early to make additions to the tank but based on how the cycling is coming and how low my spikes are im assured that everything will survive. Along with the two new damsels I picked up 3 more crabs and a cleaner shrimp. All extremely hard and besides my LFS offers 10 fish bucks for every 100 dollars you spend and since i bought my tank and everything else there because I like to see it before I buy it I have racked up some fish bucks so basically everything was free haha. About to start hour and half to 2 hour drip lines for decreased stress. This should kick start my cycle nicely since it's already half way done. This is the first time in my fish career that im buying things early, and i'm loving it. Thanks to this kick butt red sea tank and cured rock I'm almost positive nothing will die and cycle will be complete in 3-5 days. Will post pics ASAP.

P.S. I forgot to mention I picked up a liquid test kit so I have two types of testing methods to assure accuracy.


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These are the products I purchased. And for the record I strongly recommend all red sea products for beginners or experienced fish keepers of all sorts. Solid product with an awesome manual that gives the beginner all the information they would need to start a tank along with how long you should wait before each step. Not to mention their incredible customer service that's talked so highly of. Cheers from one happy fish keeper.


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Sounds like its coming along nicely :good: what types of coral have you got in mind?
I'm not sure yet to be honest. Really just depends on what the LFS has in stock and how long i've had the tank. Some require more maturity then others. It'll def be a work in progress because corals can get quite expensive. If I see something I have to have in my tank I surely will buy it. But I plan for the tank to be a vibrant color that catches your eye when you see it to the point where you have to look at it. corals will be added last most likely. If you have some ideas feel free to post and post with a link of a pic so I can view it.

Drip lines started at 6:22 est time. will be done around 8-8 30 depending on how fast bag fills.

With the two added striped damsels the single one isnt as skiddish and doesn't run behind the rocks anymore. All 3 fish are swimming around and the cleaner shrimp is perching himself on the rocks. will be doing a water test in about 30 or so minutes

Just did a water test and it's finally spiking. I'm very happy that tank is finally kick starting the cycle.
Nitrite= 3.00ppm
Temp-81.9 (ac doesnt work, i cut chiller on and reduced heat a notch)

Might do a water change later tonight or tomorrow. small 5-10% no 25% till tank is cycled


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Yup, always exciting no matter the size or type of fish.

Here's a list so far.
6 red legged crabs
3 striped damsels
1 cleaner shrimp

did a water change tonight as well.


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Yeah i'm thinking about fish and doing a list ,but I know i'll end up seeing whats in the LFS.

Trying to avoid clowns but ...... :rolleyes:
I think you're adding things too quickly.

Be careful.

Yeah like I said I know im adding them early ,but I'm taking a gamble on it. I just got to excited haha. Everything seems very happy and I did a 10% waterchange last night the lowered nitrites to 2.0 I'm keeping my eye on them for now.


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