
Yes Stewart I have took over ur laptop for a second firstly mothers day is an excellent idea as who does more for u and our son than me have more respect for me as your wife and mother of your child else u won't even get to c fathers day
#105###!...........Any idea how I can password protect my member profile for this website on my laptop.

New journel comin soon! Gonna call it '6ft saltwater coffin for fish keeper's wife'!
:lol: You're brave mate better hope she doesn't get on here again.

She won't be able to anymore!....She ain't exactly a genius when it comes to using windows, or computers in general for that matter.................................And i've put the link to this website in a password protected folder! lol

I've also deleted my cookies and browser history so it wont come up on a search engine with my profile already logged in!

She don't even know the name of this website so no danger! lol
:lol: You're brave mate better hope she doesn't get on here again.

She won't be able to anymore!....She ain't exactly a genius when it comes to using windows, or computers in general for that matter.................................And i've put the link to this website in a password protected folder! lol

You're a real prince.

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