Currently I have::::
4 juvenile angels
2 bolivian rams
10 rummy nose
12 neon tetras
5 sterbai corys
5 oto cats
2 honey gouramis
3 platies
2 guppies
Am I fully stocked at that are what do people think?
I'm planning when the angels get bigger an if I get a pair to remove 2 of them...
Was wondering could i add more honey gouramis even if I had to remove the platies an guppies I have 2 yellowish gouramis an would like to get few of the other colours they come in...
What does everyone think
4 juvenile angels
2 bolivian rams
10 rummy nose
12 neon tetras
5 sterbai corys
5 oto cats
2 honey gouramis
3 platies
2 guppies
Am I fully stocked at that are what do people think?
I'm planning when the angels get bigger an if I get a pair to remove 2 of them...
Was wondering could i add more honey gouramis even if I had to remove the platies an guppies I have 2 yellowish gouramis an would like to get few of the other colours they come in...
What does everyone think