35 Litre Nano...


Fish Crazy
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
Hampshire. UK
I have an Aquapod which is 35 litres and can provide 2 x 18w to light it. I want to get live sand and a large central piece of live rock ( so I can clean the aquarium sides properly). I shall position the internal filter to be hidden by the rock and to give a flow onto it. I shall then wait some time to see what grows on the rock before getting some easy soft corals. What else could go in? Not fish I believe, but a seahorse? snails? Will the light be enough?
Since when is a seahorse not a fish?

Yes, some dwarf seahorses could be kept. Other options include micro gobies, such as Discordipinna, who according to some authors can be kept in tanks as small as a half a gallon (don't go there). Small darters are also an option, such as the beautiful Nemateleotris.
gobies, most lps, zoas, shrooms, i would stay away from some leathers though.
How about a neon goby? The little fellas are wel adorable and would possibly be small enough to go in a tank that size! A small shrimp shouldn't be much of a problem either. ;)

As for snails avoid turbos etc as they can grow massive! Try something smal like cerith, nassarius or astrea. I wouldn't realy go for more than 5 or 6 though so 2 of each maybe? :)
I have a 40L and have 4 nassarius snails, 3 Trochus Snails, two red leg hermits and 1 cleaner shrimp.
Thanks, everyone, for all excellent suggestions which I shall research. I saw a (5 cms) mandarin fish today and fell in love... nobody about to ask final size.
mandarin's are very, very pretty fish but are very difficult to keep. The reason being is that they are very fussy eaters and normally need large established aquariums just to supply enough food for them (they eat the little "pod's"). Some Mandarins will eat frozen food but it is worth checking with the store first if it is eating frozen or not (and if you are goign to buy it make sure you watch it feed first), even then it is probably not a good idea unless you have a large 'pod population to sustain it and supplement the frozen food. The same applies to seahorses.

Neon goby is a good call, very pretty, stay small and I think are fairly hardy.
yeah, tank isnt big enough for mandarins IMO, not that they are hard to keep since they are immune to certain diseases other fishes would be magnets too, but like was said they are hard to feed.

Look into goby and pistol shrimp pairs, i know im planning on getting one once my lfs has stock.

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