35 gallon tank questions

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Ooh a tank with an inappropriate mix of fish going to a newbie with NO knowledge. this HAS to end well!@!

She here in the beginner forum trying to learn before she brings it home, isn't she? Lighten up a little.
Thanks, cyprinut :) . I know I'm not all-knowing but I am trying to learn the ropes here. Ok, since I have 3 weeks before I am bringing the tank home I guess I have alot of research to do. lol. But anyways, ok, I am thinking that it would be better for me to do as cyprinut said on how to move the fish, because I don't want to risk loosing any fish and you have personal expierence and said that it worked for you. ;) What does everyone else think? I was also wondering bout what fish to put in ( again) lol. Ok, I am really intersted in some dwarf gouramis...how many would I need to keep together? Oh, and I hve a clown loach question...how big do they get and are they schooling fish? Thanks sooooooooo much!!!
OK, just going to throw this in here...lol. Ok, I was looking on the fish index forum thingy on clown loaches and it says that they get to be 12"!!! nd that I would need 4 and that the minimum tank size is 55 gallons...I have 35 not 55 so I guess I would probally need to sell the bugger wouldn't I? ( correct me if I'm wrong!!!) OK, and on the dwarf gouramis it said that I would prob. need a pair and that I should get male/female unless I had some lot of tnak space so that one doesn't pick on the other...do you think I could get 2 males? ( they are SOOOO purdy!!!) lol. Ok and then! I was looking at what other fish I might get to put in there and I found harlequins and I was thinking of getting about 8 of them. So, so far my future tank is looking like this. So the dwarf gouramis n the harlequins would be bout 12 inches. What else would be good for a peaceful community tank? Oh, and I know that I will have to move my red-finned albino shark. I have a 10 gallon tnak just sitting around and I was wondering if I could get a few more maybe and keep all of them in there? What do ya think? Thanks!
Don't get 2 male dwarf gouramis. They will most likely fight, and one will pick on the other endlessly. The red finned "shark" should be in a much larger tank than a 35. They are territorial and usually must be kept alone, as they will fight each other. A 4 ft tank or better is what he really needs. Sorry to say it but he really needs to go also. See if a non-chain lfs will trade him for another fish or a plant, or just give him to them if you have to.
1 male dwarf gourami and 8 rasbora sounds like a nice start. Don't try to relocate and add new fish all in the same day. Keep the other fish in it to keep the tank cycled after moving, wait a day or two and then deal with relocating and replacing fish. Don't leave the tank fishless for more than a couple of days or the bacteria bed will begin to die out.
Keep the 10 handy in case you need an emergency hospital tank. Ideally you'd want to use it as a quarantine tank for a week for new fish, but it's not cycled and you have enough to worry about already. Just don't buy all the fish you plan for the tank and put them all in there at once. Good luck and be patient.

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