OK, just going to throw this in here...lol. Ok, I was looking on the fish index forum thingy on clown loaches and it says that they get to be 12"!!! nd that I would need 4 and that the minimum tank size is 55 gallons...I have 35 not 55 so I guess I would probally need to sell the bugger wouldn't I? ( correct me if I'm wrong!!!) OK, and on the dwarf gouramis it said that I would prob. need a pair and that I should get male/female unless I had some lot of tnak space so that one doesn't pick on the other...do you think I could get 2 males? ( they are SOOOO purdy!!!) lol. Ok and then! I was looking at what other fish I might get to put in there and I found harlequins and I was thinking of getting about 8 of them. So, so far my future tank is looking like this. So the dwarf gouramis n the harlequins would be bout 12 inches. What else would be good for a peaceful community tank? Oh, and I know that I will have to move my red-finned albino shark. I have a 10 gallon tnak just sitting around and I was wondering if I could get a few more maybe and keep all of them in there? What do ya think? Thanks!