33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007


Aug 28, 2005
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Well, this is exciting. I placed an order at Marine Depot today for a Tunze Nano Reefpack, a powerhead, some gloves, a powerstrip/timer, and a digital thermometer. Scheduled delivery is Tuesday, and the stand will be done this weekend. I plan to order the live rock next week, maybe Wednesday or Thursday next week, if everything goes according to plan. Maybe I'll keep this thread up with some pictures as everything comes together :)

Oh, btw, already have the tank, lights, and stuff. It's a 33g Oceanic cube.
Yep, I think I'll do that. Stay tuned for pictures next Tuesday :) Maybe some this weekend when the stand is finished and the tank is all setup but nothing in it yet.
Ok, you're getting a picture on Tuesday, but only because the stand is done. My equipment won't be delivered until Thursday, but here is the tank and stand...

Please no comments about the stand color :) I know they don't match, but I don't want to wait for the wife to restain, so it's staying that color :)

Ok, you're getting a picture on Tuesday, but only because the stand is done. My equipment won't be delivered until Thursday, but here is the tank and stand...

Please no comments about the stand color :) I know they don't match, but I don't want to wait for the wife to restain, so it's staying that color :)

(Insert comment about stand here). Last time I checked people don't get fish tanks to look at the stand. You've got nothing to worry about, I'm sure your stunning take will take attention away from ur stand. I don't think it even looks bad.
Thanks, that's actually what I've told people when they mentioned the difference in color :)

There's a nice shelf inside the stand, I'll get more pictures of everything on Thursday when I'm getting all the equipment setup and going. Right now the plan is to run it with just water for the weekend most likely, then add the live rock next week (because of the delay in shipping).
I got my order today, but the skimmer is broken unfortunately. Marine Depot shipped out another one as soon as I called, and it isn't really their fault, so I suppose I can't be too upset with them. Anyway, everything else looks great. The gloves are especially nice, and I really like the powerhead (an Eheim Aquaball). Despite the skimmer setback, I still think I'll get some water in the tank this weekend, and hook up all the other stuff (heater, powerhead, and lights), and program the timers. I'll get pictures of everything all put together soon!
I got my order today, but the skimmer is broken unfortunately. Marine Depot shipped out another one as soon as I called, and it isn't really their fault, so I suppose I can't be too upset with them. Anyway, everything else looks great. The gloves are especially nice, and I really like the powerhead (an Eheim Aquaball). Despite the skimmer setback, I still think I'll get some water in the tank this weekend, and hook up all the other stuff (heater, powerhead, and lights), and program the timers. I'll get pictures of everything all put together soon!

yeah don't worry about the skimmer it will be aaaaages before you _need_ one running on the tank.

Well, I was counting on the Reefpack for some added flow, but, it will be here before I get the live rock anyway, so no big deal. I'm going to ge the water and get the tank wet today!
Make sure you set everything you need before you add any fish. I made that mistake and next you know I spend two days with my hand in the water performing VooDoo chicken on my protein skimmer, then another full day positioning my powerheads.

Good luck dude :)
Don't worry, fish won't be going in for a while. I just got water in the tank, and everything else setup. It's really nice, can't wait to get more in than just water, heater, and powerhead :)

Having this time before I even get live rock will give me some time get get the temperature stabilized, and that sorta thing.
Ok, here we go, some pictures of stuff...

Powerhead out of water...

My favorite new thing, my gloves!

My wonderful new "Digital Power Center"

The inside of the stand...

Finally, water in the tank!

And the equipment in the tank...

More later!
I like your power strip. Does it have a timer for different outlets?

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