So overall what does it mean? Shall I wait till the ammonia drops to zero? I'll get some water out of my bottle to compare as well.
Yep, make sure the ammonia and nitrite are zeroed out for a few days just to be safe and then check nitrate again to make sure it's still low. Once that happens, you are ready for a couple critters.
So a mushroom coral is worth a try? My LFS sell those and they look pretty cool.
Missed this earlier, sorry. Mushrooms are pretty hardy, at least the ones that are mostly reddish or brown. I would avoid things like metallic green and blue mushrooms since they tend to be more finicky (not to mention that they tend to cost an arm and a leg). Putting a shroom in to watch for a while would be a good first test with the light after the tank has been running for a few weeks.
Thanks donya, I'll wait for my light to come before I look at a cheap mushroom.
Heres the results of the tank and barrel

Hard to make out but I believe the one in the barrel is a ligher colour.
But after waiting they both look the same?