30L/8G Betta Aquarium

26-30 is the optimum range for a betta, but during a cycle it needs to be near the top end of that to encourage the bacteria. Obviously when the betta is in there it can be lowered to the middle of the range. I actually run mine at the lower end between 26 and 27.
Glad the pH has come up a bit. Not sure if it's far enough. Have you read TTA's article on fishless cycling? It says that pH needs to be higher than 6.5 altho the higher it is the better. I'm wondering if putting a pinch of bicarb in there might do the trick rather than messing with water changes. I'd go very slowly tho if you want to try this.
What is the KH of your water? It needs to be 2-3 dKH or above for the pH to be stable. Mine now runs at 2.8 using the Salifert test and my pH is stable at 7.8 in all tanks.
Also bettas prefer softer water. Do you know the GH of your water? I suspect it's soft since the pH is low altho it doesn't always follow.
It's worth getting these tests so that you know what you have and what you can offer fish.
Yeah I think my water is medium to hard hardness. Haven't got a test kit for these things as they're a good $30 and I have other priorities. 
I do have another empty tank and the pH level in there is over 8.2. This tank I have added ammonia to last night (3-4ppm) and this morning have come back with 1ppm - 2ppm of ammonia. So I shall grab some canister media later on in the day and go from there.

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