30G Stocking


Fish Fanatic
Jul 18, 2013
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How does this sound as a stocking for a 30 gallon long tank
6 corys
2 german blue rams
1 angel fish
2 gouramis ( thinking one gold and one blue)
Too small for the angel. I would go for either corys or gbr as both are bottom dwellers. As soon as the gbr get territorial there will be conflicts.
i have kept corys with gbr before in a planted 29 and they did fine but if i take out corys and get the tank tall if that exist would the angels work?
I think it's pushing it but if you were going to go with an angel regardless, the tall would be better than the long. Still, ideally you should wait for a larger tank to keep an adult or it would be stressed and may get aggressive. If this is a very small angel you may be okay until it grows a bit, but it would be better to have the tank that can keep it for life. I had to keep an angel in a 20H temporarily once and it started acting like it wanted to kill everything until I moved it out. Why not add a group of a schooling fish that you like to bring activity to the middle and upper levels instead of an angel? Maybe tetras or raspboras to focus the attention on your gouramis?
i want an angel lol, i guess ill just do the same stock in a 40g
actually i went online and found a 55g for cheap so im going to get that lol how does this sound for a 55g
6 corys, 2 rams, 1 albino bristlenose.
2 angels
4 gourami of different colors
That's not bad. Still keep in mind you have two types of cichlids in there. The rams are small, but ferocious. The angels get big. They are going to eventually take over the tank. Just keep in mind down the road you may have to rehome somebody. The gourami might get beat up. I, like you, have also kept cories with rams successfully. The cories don't seem to be bothered by the rams insistence on moving. lol

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