30 Gallon Tiger Bard


Fish Crazy
Aug 1, 2011
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Im redoing a 30 gallon planted. I want a large school of tiger bards but I would like a single or small group of larger fish as eye catchers. Any idea of a fish that will get along with the tiger bards. And about how many barbs should I use
I would not put more than 10 Tiger Barbs in a 30 gallon tank. They are very active and need room to stretch their fins. Since they can get a little chunky 10 would just about fill your tank IMO.
I would not put more than 10 Tiger Barbs in a 30 gallon tank. They are very active and need room to stretch their fins. Since they can get a little chunky 10 would just about fill your tank IMO.
thats lame. can you recomened somthing. Im also thinking a school or red eyed tetra but how many could i put and what would the eye cather be
One of the best looking tank of tigers I have ever seen was heavily planted with various crypts and contained a large shoal of tigers and a red tailed shark. Complimented each other well and there was too many of them for him to pick on but his presence kept them as a great shoal, looked really impressive.
i set my 27 gallon cube up with an african safari theme, i have both regular and green tiger barbs, zebra danios, panda corys, a lepord pleco and an elephant nose, makes for a very interesting tank.

as an eye catcher fish you could try some rainbows, or swordtails? what kind of colors are you looking for?

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