30 Gallon Stocking Suggestions?


Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2011
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okay so i have an arleady cycled 30 gallon freshwater tank.
has a 150 watt heater, and an aquaclear70 filter on it. (contains a few live plants as well)
tank has a sand bottom.

currently contains:
1 Angel fish
3 fire platy
2 bristlenose pleco

team measures 30" Long" 19" high 12" deep

so im looking for suggestions. (colorful fish are always a bonus or interesting looking ones).
thanks but looking for more broad ideas. (and aproximate numbers of fish)
basically something a bit more specific. thanks though
im planning on going by the fish store tomorrow so any other ideas would be appreciated
there's LOTS of ideas that I could suggest - but what do you prefer to have in there? Schoaling fish in large groups, a couple of medium sized cichlids, bottom feeders????

Give us an indication of what you are after and it will help to identify some possibilities.
there's LOTS of ideas that I could suggest - but what do you prefer to have in there? Schoaling fish in large groups, a couple of medium sized cichlids, bottom feeders????

Give us an indication of what you are after and it will help to identify some possibilities.

well i would liek to have a smaller fish that school together. love anything with vivid or bright coloring. i love the look of cichlids ! those are what i probably like the most, however ive heard they are supposed to be species only because they are super aggressive?

so maybe some mix or cichlid and small schooling fish?
The personality and character of cichlids vary greatly. Your angel is a cichlid, by the way.

For a 30g here are a few South American cichlids that would work and that are not conidered 'aggressive'

Bolivian Rams
Keyhole cichlid
cockatoo cichlid - or many of the Apistogramma cichlids (have a search on google to find more)
Dwarf flag acara

as for schooling fish, there are a lot of tetra species that would be fine

rosy tip (larger and very colourful)

to name just a few (there are lots, lots more).

Have a look in your LFS and see what they have, then post back here with the ones that you like the look of.
I like Zods ideas for me I would go for something like

1 Angel Fish
4 Cupid Cichlids or 2 Bolivian Rams and 3 Apistos (any species - A.Panduro are nice)
3 Fire Platy
10 Emperor Tetra
3 Spotted Headstanders
2 Bristlenose Pleco
8 Panda Cories.

be careful with neons. Your angel might eat them once it gets to full size. I have 4 gold barbs in my 20 gallon. They are beautiful once fed the right food. They often do not look that impressive in the stores. A shoal of cories is nice. Any large tetras will do. Just be careful not to get anything too small because your angel will eat them.
Depends on the angel. I have 4 in with 20+ neon. No issue.

Although you are right to be cautious with any fish small enough to fit in the angels mouth
I like Zods ideas for me I would go for something like

1 Angel Fish
4 Cupid Cichlids or 2 Bolivian Rams and 3 Apistos (any species - A.Panduro are nice)
3 Fire Platy
10 Emperor Tetra
3 Spotted Headstanders
2 Bristlenose Pleco
8 Panda Cories.


i really like your suggestions. i think what im going to do today is go down to petco and my lfs, make a list of the cichlid & tetra variations i like the most and post them back for opponions.
i would get ottos over plecos. They do a better job of eating algae and are smaller.
alright so ive returned from the fish stores.

my favorites on appearance alone

black phantom tetra max 2" .
black skirt tetra max 2"


turquoise jewel cichlid 4"
electric yellow cichlid 5"
assorted afrian cichlid 2-10"
socolofi cichlid 5"

they also has blue platy that were like neon color for 99 cents each. so im probably going to add 2/3 of these for sure.

(various other fish i noticed and liked)
honey gourami $6
panda cory cat $6

so what would you guys recomend? im thinking a mix of the 2 tetra types? (will they still school together?

and as far as cichlid my favorite is prob the turq. jewel and cocolofi

all of the sizes listed are max adult size.
Hi unfortunately the cichlids you have picked out are all whats known as Rift Lake cichlids - they come from Africa and require quite specific tanks because they are pretty aggressive with each other and other fish they are not a community fish and will most likely kill your exisiting fish. The Jewel is not a rift lake but is very very aggressive - I would avoid at all costs. You need to keep an eye out for Dwarf American Cichlids - like Rams and Apistogrammas among others.

The Tetras you have picked out are quite similar but are nice tetras - they can be quite nippy but if you keep a big enough school of them (say about 12 or 15) you should be okay.

The Dwarf Gourami could work in your tank - though they can be problematic with Angelfish as they inhabit the same region of the tank.

The Panda Cories are a great fish though :) For me out of all the fish you listed I would add more platies and a group of these Panda Cories. And keep your eyes peeled for anything else you like :)


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