
Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2022
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United Kingdom
I am doing one last group of purchase on Amazon before I do a large rescape of my apisto tank, and want know whether people have ideas about what to get, or anything they'd must have in an apisto tank.

It is 120ltr, 30l. 100cmX30cmX40cm.
Several chunks of wood on the substrate so there are places to escape to. A sand substrate is best, quality play sand (like Quikrete Play Sand) works very well and is much less expensive than "aquarium" sands. Floating plants (for shade as well as water quality), substrate plants are up to you.
Several chunks of wood on the substrate so there are places to escape to. A sand substrate is best, quality play sand (like Quikrete Play Sand) works very well and is much less expensive than "aquarium" sands. Floating plants (for shade as well as water quality), substrate plants are up to you.
I have a good 10+kg of rock, and a large amount of wood that glued together is the width and height of my tank. These are covered in anubias, java and buce along with various moss. I have lots of sand, and are ordering more.
I am growing lots of floating plants like salvinia and red root floaters. I also plan on allowing my tiger lotus to reach the surface.
I have tiger lotus, amazon swords and water wisteria.

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