3 Weeks Old Help


New Member
Jul 15, 2008
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me betta fry are about to reach 3 weeks and there starting to grow slower, what food can i start to give them now and what percent what change should I make

Baby brine shrimp, crushed protien foods, im sure they will take daphnia as well
thanks they are really eating, i'm trying crushed betta pelets, crushed dried shrimp, and crushed betta flakes, when can I start to see aggression and need to separate these little things, wow my first time breeding and I think the worst is over as this thursday will be week 4, I still have about 45 left is this good for my first time or did i do something wrong?

also when can I begin to see the differences between sexes, behavior?? fins?? growth??
Well my first time breeding I ended with only 5. I was told they would have done better if I had a cover over the tank to make the air around the same temp as the water for their breathing.
I believe that such young fish need decent live foods to bring them on. Some people use food such as Atisons betta starter food but personally I think young fry instinctively feed better on something alive and wriggling. Baby brine shrimp is the best food up until a month in age (particularly for growth) and I also alternate with microworm as well (fish can develop wim bladder problems if fed exclusively on brine shrimp.

Are you conducting water changes yet? This is the most important factor for growth - at this age onwards ideally you should be changing 50% of the water every other day at least. Larger fish emit growth inhibiting hormones hence the need for the regular water changes.


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