3 weeks later......


New Member
Feb 9, 2004
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I've started up a marine tank (65 litres) on january 22nd. I'm looking to add 2 Percula Clowns when the tank's cycled.
I've been checking the water regularly and have readings of :

Temperature - 26 degrees C
pH - 8.2
Alkalinity - Normal to High
Nitrite - 20-50 ppm
Nitrate - 0.5 ppm
Ammonia - 0.66 ppm

Is this all ok?

The readings haven't really changed over the last week. I did a water change (10%) 2 days ago and the readings were the same.

Should I be adding fish food to the water each day to feed the bacteria that breaks down the nitrites?
Is the ammonia level ok?
Should I do another water change?
What can I do to lower the Ammonia and Nitrite levels so I can start adding fish?
Is flake food only suitable for the fish?
I'm lookig to add a Royal Gramma Basslet in a month or so, are the fish fully compatible?
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

I have no experience with saltwater so i can't really reply, but if it's anything like a fresh water tank, your nitrite is way too high to add any fish at all. Are you sure that you haven't confused your nitrAte reading with your nitrIte reading.

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