3 week fry

I don't see how they possibly could...but ok :) I read an article once about how they removed the labyrinth and the fish suffocated.

Anyhoo....back to cc's fry :wub:
i dont' mind you guys hijacking..

offtopic: my friend's guinea pig named potatoes just decided to pee on me while i was in my pjs watching tv with him :-(
cutecotton said:
i dont' mind you guys hijacking..

offtopic: my friend's guinea pig named potatoes just decided to pee on me while i was in my pjs watching tv with him :-(
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Look at you hijack your own thread :p Maybe he wet himself when he realized that he was turning into a couch potato :look:
LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl:

that could be it :rolleyes: either way i hope he doesn't od it again!

i know i like to hijack threads, it's fun :p but i dont' have any new updates on the fry other than i just spent like 2 hours feeding them :look: i was feeding them crushed bloodworms :rolleyes: it takes a while

i found that bloodworms is still their favorite, nthing else quite compares! i'm careful to make sure that the worms are edible size though :blink: i dont' want anyone trying to stuff their throat and suffocate :S

i have also moved some of the bigger ones from my 2nd spawn to the growouts with the first batch, there's a kind of size difference, but i hope they 'll be okay :flex:
wuvmybetta said:
cutecotton said:
i dont' mind you guys hijacking..

offtopic: my friend's guinea pig named potatoes just decided to pee on me while i was in my pjs watching tv with him :-(
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Look at you hijack your own thread :p Maybe he wet himself when he realized that he was turning into a couch potato :look:
:rofl: :rofl:

Anywho, do you have any updated pics of them? :whistle:
ufnournately no :( because i don't have the camera with me. But theyr'e really hard to take pics of anyways and i suck at taking pictures :(
jacblades said:
wuvmybetta said:
It does reak when it goes bad. No cc,it's not alive...but it's not frozen  -_- It's just canned,kind of like a relish  :lol:
eek-ive been feeding bad daphnia to my fish! they didnt seem to mind though... :*)
i feel bad now. :( i thought it was supposed to be stinky...although it wasnt that way when i first opened it... (funny-and i thought i had common sense)
(i did throw the 1/2 empty jar away after a while though-when i began to dread opening it...)
i guess i cant go through the jars fast enough :(
sorry for hijacking.
You know you have to refrigerate the jar after you open it, right? (edit -oops, apparently so. Looks like wuv mentioned this earlier in the thread! :lol: )

A jar of said daphnia is part of a lot I'm auctioning on rolln's site - but looks like joker's gonna get it for a song, since the auction ends in about 2 or 3 hours.
JoKeR said:
:grr: wuv got it 16 seconds before me...... :look:
:flex: :flex:

*nyuk nyuk nyuk*

I told you I would :p Gotta be on your toes when I want something that you want :hey:

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