3 inch adult size


Fish Crazy
May 13, 2020
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Hi everyone,

I'd love your suggestions for the following criteria.

* Peaceful community fish
* Approx 3inch in adult size
* Colourful

I've struggled to select suitable fish and have made beginner mistakes in choosing wrongly and having to rehome fish based on misinformation online or by chain pet store sales people.

I'd love some experienced suggestions.
If anyone is from London, UK, I'd also like suggestions for supplier since I'm not sure where to get the less common fish.

I have a 90litre tank that is 40cm deep, 60cm length, 35cm width.

I'd like to fill in this tank with a good number of fish that is large enough to be visible (as my partner likes to really enjoy watching the fish and isn't a fan of guppies etc as they're too small for her to appreciate) and small enough to have a good lifr in my 90litre until I can size up in future.

Please suggest which fish reach max 3inches and I do hope this is a suitable size for a 90litre as not too large?
I am relatively new here so please defer to others with more experience, I'm based in Surrey, I have found a supplier called The Trop Co which has good online reviews, they either post or you can go and collect (they're based in Tonbridge). I have bought one set of fish from them so far, I have lost one but think that was because it jumped into the main tank too soon before it was fully acclimatised. Others here may have better suppliers to recommend.

I'll be following this thread with interest to see what fish recommendations you get as I'm looking for something similar to you long-term and have a similar size tank. All I have at present are some corys but looking to add in the coming months.
This was asked in your angelfish thread, but it is important when considering fish. What is the GH and pH of your water? Being London I am assuming it is hard, this will limit options. And, is this the tank with the two angelfish? This will limit options further.
Hello. A tank less than 25 gallons is pretty small. You won't be able to keep very many three inch fish in it. Maybe six to eight medium sized Tetras like Red Eyed Tetras or Zebra Danios would be the most. You really need a tank that's around 40 gallons if you want to keep larger fish.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Hello. A tank less than 25 gallons is pretty small. You won't be able to keep very many three inch fish in it. Maybe six to eight medium sized Tetras like Red Eyed Tetras or Zebra Danios would be the most. You really need a tank that's around 40 gallons if you want to keep larger fish.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
I wouldn't keep zebra danios in there either. They're small but active and need more room to swim. Seriously Fish says the tank should be at least 90 cm (35 inches) long.
That's a small tank for 3 inch fish. I would not go beyond 2 inchers.

I haven't been there since before the pandemic, but there was a shop I really liked at Bethnal Green. They didn't strike me as a rip off the newcomers place, but more of a not suffering fools kind of customer service spot. I hope they survived the pandemic - a good store.
I wouldn't keep zebra danios in there either. They're small but active and need more room to swim. Seriously Fish says the tank should be at least 90 cm (35 inches) long.
Hello Shark. The Aquarium Source website recommends larger tanks, but claims 25 gallons is large enough for a few Zebras. Guess it's up to the tank keeper. I don't keep any fish in less than 45 gallons, but that's just me.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
I took at look at the AquariumScience.com website. I started with this site because I got the name confused, but I also took a look at Aquarium Source.com. Unbelievable "advice" from both. I'll stay with the first but my comments apply across the board.

The stocking section emphatically says stocking is only opinion, not science, and the author, who gives his name as David Bogert, says the stocking information is likewise just his opinion too.

Some members here on TFF questioned my advice in a couple of threads a month or so back that a group of 12 Boraras brigittae and a group of 12 Corydoras pygmaeus in a 10g tank was well within reason. They felt is was too many fish. These fish only reach 1/2 inch (the Boraras) and 1 inch (cory). This fellow at Aquarium Science has a chart stating that in a 10g tank the maximum recommended stocking is 63 one-inch fish. And in a 5g tank--which most of us on TFF say is only suited to a Betta--he says the recommended stocking is 31 one-inch fish. A one inch fish covers neon tetras, cardinal tetras, black neon tetras, etc. etc. etc. So 31 cardinal tetras in a 5g tank? The mind boggles.

As I have so frequently written, a major problem in this hobby is that any half-wit can set up a web site and proclaim him or her self as some sort of expert. The hobby is rife with false "data," misleading if not incorrect "information," from anyone who can type (sort of, at times). Know the source of the information. Scientific fact and proven evidence is not someone's opinion, it is absolute fact. And any biologist worth his salt can easily calculate a great deal from his knowledge and understanding of the fish and their habitat. And it is not at all surprising that when one researches information on species and such, that there is rarely any substantial variance between the sources that actually know what they are talking about. Ignore the rest. Your fish would thank you if they could.
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