3 Fish Dead In One Week


New Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Ok so 3 out of 6 of my fish died in one week. Im flipping out. I checked my water stats:

tank: 10 gal
temp: 74 deg, now 79 deg
pH: 8
chlorine: 0
ammonia: 0.25
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 30
hardness: 100
alkali: 250

so all is well there, the only thing that i lost track of is water temp.. it got down to 74 deg.. is that enought to kill my fish?
Or do you think after one fish died it infected the others? One of the fish that died was bloated big time, and he died last of all three.

also my fish tank was without a filter for 2 days straight.

Let me know what you think is happening,
Thank you,
Is that ammonia reading 0 or above as that can soon kill a fish.
Can we take a look at your stock in the tank, how many fish and which type.
Did the scales stick out when the fish bloated up, could it maintain its balance in the water.
Is that ammonia reading 0 or above as that can soon kill a fish.
Can we take a look at your stock in the tank, how many fish and which type.
Did the scales stick out when the fish bloated up, could it maintain its balance in the water.

2 mollys... 1 died
2 guppies....1 bloated and died.. no the scales were not sticking out, and at the time he could balance
1 african dwar frog....died...fist his he was alive but couldnt move back legs then died
1 yoyo bottom feeder.... still doing fine
Bloating of a fish, bacterial, parasite to constipation.
What does it look like when the fish goes to the toilet.
Yea I never did see the bloated fish go to the bathroom.. so im sure he was constipapted.
It can also mean organ fialure.
For now I would cook some frozen peas for a few minutes, let cool down, pop out of shell, mush between fingers and add to the tank.
With losing quite a few fish might be wise to add a bacterial med to the tank.

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